Tailed beast

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I don't know what I'm doing, I lean forward slightly, "Even me?" I say, I can see him shudder, visibly so. "Yeah" he breaths, like it we're sharing some sort of secret.  I don't know why, I smile. And than, hesitantly he reaches a hand up, and runs it through my hair. It's so gentle, and timid it takes me by surprise, I'm frozen and I realize how warm and comfortable his hand is.

He strokes my hair again, and murmurs something along the lines of "Soft. So soft" I chuckle and push his hand away. I can't-I don't know what we are doing but I- I can't, I ruffle his hair, and stand up. Our moment is ruined. I leave the room feeling upset.

Why-why did we do that? Why did we sit there like old friends sharing hard pastimes and...caressing each other? I don't know why but I start to almost hyperventilate. Why did we do that? Open up to each other?

I'm supposed to be getting him to open up not the other way around! I sit down and attempt to calm my breathing,

"Kakashi Hatake"
"Pein" I say without turning, I knew his dark musing voice anywhere, and, his rinnagen. "What are you doing?"
"Preparing for the mission we are about to embark on today" he just stares at me as if he can see through me. Finally he nods, "It is You, Tobi, Deidara, and Itachi"

"I know" Pein gives me one last deep look and than turns around, leaving. He gives me the chills, he's also the leader of the Akatsuki so he's probably crazy powerful. If he finds out about me I am dead. Therefore being useless to the mission. And an utter failure to life.

I am such a failure, I roll my eyes and chuckle a bit. "What are you smiling about hmmm?" I turn around, It's Tobi he's (no joke) skipping towards me like a four-year old.

"Thinking" I say, and smile at him slightly, are we friends? Or...? "Oh" he says and plops down animatedly next to me, stretching his back a bit to dramatically. "Ohhh Tobi's sooooore" he mumbles, and I scoff "The mattresses are the worst"

"Yes" he agrees "we have a mission! First mission! You're the rookie senpai!" I swear he has a weird little switch in his head that makes him...like a creepy sassy child. "I'm not a rookie on missions, I've done plenty"

"Everything work out well on those?" He says a dark undertone in his voice. It's like he knows.

"We're ready un's!!" Said a loud Deidara blowing up a wall and walking through, Itachi following a bit disgruntled.

"Ohhhh Tobi can't wait!" He does a weird jig as Deidara storms past "Ignore him" he hisses and Itachi gives me a tired look. "We find Matatabi the two tails, extract her and we are done"
"Got it captain sir!" Yells Tobi saluting awkwardly I narrow my eyes, he seems to act more childish around the others, not me as much. Strange.

We set out, and I don't know why but I'm excited, than I'm sick because I shouldn't feel excited! Akatsuki are bad guys, I'm spying on them gathering intel... I'm horrible at this, and my mind keep wondering to Tobi/not Tobi because he's name isn't Tobi.

That entire stream of thought doesn't make since. I need help. "We are here" I sigh and glance at Tobi he's pretending to be a bird. I smile slightly at that. He seems to make me smile for some reason, something is seriously wrong with me.

"Hey Tobi-"
"Whayddya want Senpai?" He "flies" over to me "So...what do we do" he let's out a broken laugh "Get the two tails duuhhhhhhh"
"Extraction." He finally says somewhat seriously.

Tobi/Obito POV
I can't stop thinking about, damn hatake, I pet his damn hair.
Pet. His. Hair. And it was so soft, more soft than it had any right to be, I have zero impulse control. I can tell he's a bit on edge, he left me, he just got up and left, he didn't even say anything really.

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