Chapter 24

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Hayden and Astrid walked into the modeling agency the next morning. Astrid was more excited than she liked to admit, but she didn't let it show. Hayden was hoping with all if his being that they didn't run into someone he knew would be here.

"Remember while we are in there, you are my friend, ok" Hayden's words rang in Astrid's ears

They were almost to Mrs. Berserkers' office when a voice came from behind them.

"Hayden! OMG what are you doing here!" a girl's voice called.

'Great' Hayden knew that voice. The voice he was trying to avoid.

"Hello Cassandra," Hayden said blandly.

The brunette made her way over to the pair.

"Who's this?" she said, pointing Astrid. She reached her arms out and grabbed Astrid's.

Hayden pulled Astrid into his chest, "This is my girlfriend, Astrid."

"Ooh, a new girlfriend!" Cassandra said excitedly. "Come! Come! I wanna get to know you!"

"We're not here to get to know you, Cassandra. We have other business to attend to," Hayden glared at Cassandra.

"You have a business to attend to I'm sure, but let me and Ashley-"

"Astrid," Hayden corrected.

"Whatever. I wanna get to know her. Let her make that decision," Cassandra said, pulling Astrid away from Hayden.

"Um, I'd like to get to know you, Cassandra," Astrid said nervously.

"Be careful, she's a snake," Hayden whispered before the girls walked over to a nearby couch.

"I'll play nice Haddock!" Cassandra called before Hayden disappeared into the office.

"You know I was once his girlfriend too," Cassandra began.

"Really, I haven't heard anything about you," Astrid said plainly.

"He doesn't talk about any of his girlfriends. He's ashamed of most of them and he definitely wouldn't talk about them to his new one. He likes to keep the relationships out of the media too."

"Ashamed?" Astrid said quietly.


"Doesn't like to talk about them?"


"Keeps the relationship out of the media?"

"Every single one of 'em."

Astrid didn't speak. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what she could do.

"He's done the exact same thing to you, hasn't he?" Cassandra asked.

"He's not like that," Astrid whispered.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but he is," Cassandra tried to sound comforting. She scooted closer to Astrid and moved her arm to wrap it around Astrid.

Astrid swotted it down, "He may have been like that to you, but he's different now!" she said, tears streaming down her face.

"You can try to believe that, but you know it's not true."

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Astrid stood up and stormed out of the lobby.

Cassandra smirked as she watched the blonde leave. Finally, she had Hayden all to herself again.

"Where's Astrid?" Hayden asked as he walked into the lobby.

"She left because I told her who you really are," Cassandra said, walking over to Hayden and throwing her arms around Hayden's neck, "It can finally be me and you again."

"Stop!" Hayden threw her arms off his shoulders, "There was ever a 'me and you'! you just convinced yourself there was. There was never anything between us and there never will be anything between us, understand?! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my girlfriend."

Astrid walked down the sidewalk, wiping the tears from under her eyes.

"Hey cutie," a man called. "I know what you need."

"Really? Do you have a tissue?" Astrid asked.

"Na, I've got something better, come with me," the man grabbed Astrid's arm and pulled her towards a car.

"Hey! She's with me, back off!" Hayden shouted. From down the street. He raced to where they stood and pulled Astrid into his arms.

"Chill dude I didn't know alright!" the man said before making his exit.

"What were you thinking stupid! You can't just go with random guys to their cars!" Hayden yelled.

Tears rolled down Astrid's cheeks again, "I'm sorry for being so stupid!" she said, avoiding Hayden's eyes.

It was then he realized his tight grip on her arms and released her, "I don't think you're stupid. I just don't want to lose you," he said calmly.

Astrid faced away from Hayden, "Is what she said true?!"

"You can choose to believe whatever you want, but just know that you are the only girl for me," Hayden said softly.

Astrid wrapped her arms around Hayden's torso, "I don't believe her! You're the only one for me! I don't wanna lose you either! I want you all to myself. Let me be selfish this one time!"

Hayden wrapped his arms around Astrid, "Let's go back to the hotel room."


Cassandra knelt beside the couch and cried her mascara off. Hayden was hers. She looked up and saw a security camera. An idea popped into her head. If she didn't get to be happy with Hayden, neither did that ditzy blonde.

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