Part 25 - Teenage succubus part 1

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Your POV:

You were sitting in your office, when commander from Gamma-8 decided to come.

Gamma-8: Sir, I have got some news.

Y: What is that?

Gamma-8: Due to some problems in other sites, new SCPs will be transferred here.

Y: Like we didn't have enough... Ok, which ones will be tranferred here?

Gamma-8: SCP 073, SCP 105, SCP 166 and all instances of SCP 1004.

Y: So three humanoids and the most perverted SCP that exists.

Gamma-8: In short words, yes.

Y: What is our plan to do with them?

Gamma-8: 073 and 105 don't need to be contained, but we need to watch them. SCP 166 needs her own cell, and that may be a problem. And SCP 1004 must be secured in a safe place.

Y: I can hide SCP 1004 in my office. I will not watch it, don't worry.

Gamma-8: Alright, but what about SCP 166?

K: What about my old cell?

Y: We can try that, but the biggest problem will be moving her to the cell.

K: Why? Is she dangerous?

Y: No, but she has an anomalous effect, which makes all men that see her horny and ready to rape her.

K: Wow, I feel bad for her.

Y: That's why we need to make sure, that men will not see her while MTFs will be moving her.

Gamma-8: And that's what we need to talk about. How are we going to secure all the corridors?

Y: ... How about we gather all our employees in the canteen, while female MTFs will bring her to her new cell?

Gamma-8: Well, we can, but we have to make sure, that nobody tries to leave.

Y: Then just put a few guards at the entrence.

Gamma-8: Alright, but you also have to go there, to make sure that nothing bad happens.

Y: Yes I know, I know, it would be a disaster if you had to put a bullet in my head because of her effect.

Gamma-8: Yes, that's exactly why you should...

Your phone starts ringing, you answer the call.

Y: O5-9 here, what do you need?

O5-1: Hey, it is O5-1, I have heard that some SCPs are transfered to your site.

Y: Yea, 073, 105, 166 and 1004.

O5-1: Yes, but I want to talk only about SCP 166.

Y: What do you need?

O5-1: Well, you have a very strong mind, right?

Y: What do you mean?

O5-1: I want you to try and communicate with SCP 166 face to face.

Y: Are you kidding me?! What if I will not be resistant to her effects and I will be in the 30% of people, that will become obsessed with raping her?!

O5-1: That will not happen. You had 0.94 on your mind test, to be resistant to SCP 166 you need at least 0.82. We had two other people, who also had a very strong mind, one got 0.84 and the second one got 0.85. They were resistant to her effects, so they could normally talk with her.

Y: Then why do you want me to talk with her?

O5-1: Because they were class Ds, so SCP 166 wasn't satisfied from talking with them.

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