1. Best friend.

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Jordan's POV:

Most people are scared of planes but I love them, they give me time to evaluate everything going on in my life. I'm currently flying back home to Lake View, Chicago from the south of France because my dad moved there with his new wife Destiny and their daughter Chicago, yeah they literally named their daughter after where they used to live. I'm the only person who still bothers with my dad, even though he cheated on my mom with Destiny, I just want him to be happy and so does my mom but my sister Alex can't forgive him. Only because he left just after she fell pregnant and didn't agree with her keeping the child of the man who raped her. He now loves Sam, my nephew but Alex won't come over with me to see him, she only sees him when they come over for Christmas.

This year I'm stating collage which I'm excited about because I got a scholarship for psychology. My sister is worried about me going to college because that's when her ex boyfriend raped her. My sister and I are very different though, she a girly girl and I'm a tomboy. We are complete opposites but we are best friends. My sisters best friend Katie is like a sister to me, I have grown up with both of them as well as Katie's annoying brother, Spencer.

Darrel, my best friend is literally my favourite person other then Sam, my nephew.
Darrel is every guy and girls dream but he just wants fun and says 'when you look as good as me, it's very hard to be held down', I always have to brake the girls and guys hearts who want more but no matter what he always puts me first.

The flight ended quickly as I sat listening to music or watching movies. I didn't tell anybody I was coming home today so I called a cab. The drive went by quickly and we finally arrived at my house. I thank and pay the cab driver and look at the place I have missed for the last two months. I grab the packet of cigarettes out of my bag along with my matte black lighter. I relax as I feel the smoke fill my lungs and breath it out through my nose.

Once I'm finished with my cigarette I put it out make my way into my house.

I open the double doors quietly and listen to see if I can hear where my sister is

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I open the double doors quietly and listen to see if I can hear where my sister is. I hear Alex and Katie talking in the kitchen and make my way to them.

"Oi! Miss me." I smirked with a wink at my sister and Katie. They both scream and run towards me pulling me into their arms. We all pull away and they both smile at me making me scrunch my face up.
"Now where exactly is my best friend?" I asked while referring to Sam.

"Right here princess." Spencer's cocky voice spoke from behind me, making me roll my eyes and face him, shit he got hot. What no shut up.
"When exactly did we become best friends?" I asked disgustedly while sneakily checking him out.
"Ouch bambi." He moaned while clutching his chest causing me to roll my eyes yet again.
"If you like rolling your eyes so much, all you gotta do is ask and I will happily help you." He smirked with a wink making me pretend to gag.
"Sam's next door with Kai." Alex said happily. I smiled and kiss my sister and Katie on the cheek before pushing Spencer out my way and made my way to go and see Sam.

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