5. Truth

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Spencer's POV:

In our class earlier Darrel asked me who I liked and I told him because I trust him. Jordan. It's Jordan, how could it not be. I mean everything about her is different and perfect to me.

She doesn't try to be someone that she isn't. She her raw, truthful self.
She's everything that every girl wishes they could be.

Darrel told me that he can see a change in Jordan. She used to be numb, emotionless but since she's been hanging out with my group she's been happy and more confident in social situations.

Honestly I've always had a crush on Jordan, there has always been something about her that drew me to her.

I see her and Darrel walking towards me and Lucas while we are smoking. When they approach she smiles before looking through her bag looking for her box of cigarettes but I've already pulled one out for her so I put it between her lips. She looks up and me and smiles.
"Thank you." She says quietly while lighting it. I just smile until Darrel starts to pretend to choke on the smoke making us all laugh.

When we are all calm Darrel grabs my arm and pulls me away, I look back and see Jordan shaking her head while Darrel just waves her off. He pulls me around the corner and claps his hands together before he begins talking. "So good news, you need to talk to her." He smiles making me sigh of relief.

Jordan's POV:

I didn't see Spencer for the rest of the day, Darrel drove me home so we can get ready for the party tonight, Spencer texted me offering to drive us but Darrel isn't drinking so he's driving.

Darrel, Alex and Katie begged me for about forty minutes to wear one of Alex's dresses. Tears, punches and manipulation finally made me agree.

After they did my hair and make up and I slowly pulled the dress on we left

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After they did my hair and make up and I slowly pulled the dress on we left.

"I've been with many, MANY women and you Jordan have by far go the best body." Darrel says making me laugh.

"Thank you best friend." I laugh. We sing all of our songs and finally pull up to giant house.

We walk in and my nose is instantly invaded with with smell of weed and sweaty bodies. I see Spencer's group of friends in the kitchen so Darrel and I walk over to them and get a drink, I make myself some pineapple juice and vodka.

"Do you guys know where Spencer is?" I ask while sipping on my drink. "Outside getting high with Lucas and Johnny." Matthew said. I nod my head and make my way outside. I look around while rubbing one of my arms to keep myself warm, my eyes land on Spencer who is already looking at me with a shocked expression. I smile and begin walking over to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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