3. Day 1

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Jordan's POV:

Spencer and I are cuddled up when the door bell rings.

I reluctantly jump up and answer the door, I pay the delivery guy and walk back in with the pizzas.

I go to sit away from Spencer but he pulls me arm and makes me sit next to him with my legs over his. I sigh and begin eating.
"Oooooo now this is my shit." He chuckled excitedly while looking at the Hawaiian pizza.
"Well at least you have good taste." I said while biting my identical pizza.

We end up watching all of season one before Spencer decides to leave.

"Do you want a ride tomorrow?" He asked before walking out the door.
"Yeah I will be to tiered to drive." I smiled before turning and walking upstairs without saying goodbye.

I run into my rather plain bedroom and organise everything I need tomorrow. I pack my bag and lay out a cute outfit before jumping in the shower and taking my meds. It's only sleeping meds because I've never been able to fall asleep without my dad or mom sleeping in my bed, mostly my dad because mom worked nights.

Once I'm clean I quickly go downstairs to have one last cigarette before returning upstairs and falling asleep.

The next morning...

I'm woken up to my sister shaking me angrily.
"What?" I huff.
"School starts in twenty minutes idiot." She sighed before walking out. I sigh and get out of bed to look in the mirror. I quickly brush my teeth when I hear someone knock the door.

"Jord, Spencer's here to get you!" Alex yelled from downstairs.
"Okay!" I relied. I take a quick look at myself and sigh. I look rough but who am I trying to impress. I decide against the outfit I chose last night and throw on some leggings my shirts I was already wearing, I add my denim jacket before grabbing my glasses and bag before going downstairs.

 I decide against the outfit I chose last night and throw on some leggings my shirts I was already wearing, I add my denim jacket before grabbing my glasses and bag before going downstairs

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"You could have done your hair!" Alex said with a shocked expression.
I quickly throw it up in a bun and smile at her. "Better?" I ask sarcastically.
"I give up." She sighed to herself.
"Let's go then." I said to Spencer while walking to the door. He chuckles before following me and we jump into his car.

"You look happy." He chuckled while starting the car.
"I always do." I said in a duh tone while rolling my eyes sarcastically.
"True." He shrugged.
"Can I smoke?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah, light me one." He chuckled. I grab two out of the box and put them in between my lips, lighting them. I pass one to Spencer and the smiles at me as a thank you.

Surprisingly we have the same music taste so we sang every song that played. We finally arrive at collage and I get out and behind walking away after saying thank you inside the car.

"Woah, woah, woah." He chuckled while running up to me.
"Yes?" I asked confused.
"Just thought you wouldn't want to be alone when you walk in." He shrugged.
"Okay." I replied with no emotion.

I got everything i need and Spencer walked me to my first lesson, everyone was looking at us which I don't really care about.

"Why are people looking?" I asked while walking down the hall at lunch.
"I'm a complicated man." He shrugged.
"So which one is your girl then?" I asked while looking at the group of girls drooling over him.
"None, they are pathetic, they are what I call a beat and delete." He winked making me laugh.
"'Maybe I should use that method." I said seriously.
"No." He said sternly.
"And why not?" I asked while crossing my arms over my chest.
"Because your worth more." He mumbled while avoiding my eyes.
"Right well I need a smoke." I said while walking away. Spencer walked over to his group of friends while I light my cigarette.

"How did we get lucky enough to have you join?" Some cocky guy with blonde hair and blue eyes asked.
"Not interested." I fake smile.
"And why not?" He asked interestedly.
"Because you just want head, I want nothing to do with you." I replied while walking away from him.

Why are guys so horny, maybe women can just hide it better. I'm a female, I have needs but damn I also have respect.

I quickly finish my cigarette and walk back into the lunch room to get food.

"Jordan!" Spencer shouted from his table.
"Yes." I replied while walking over to them.
"Come here." He mumbled before pulling me to sit in his lap, he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. I look at him confused before I start eating my slice of pizza.
"So Jordan, been a while." Lucas smirked.
"Not long enough." I sighed into Spencer.
"So what's going on with you too then?" My best friend Darrel said from behind me. I turn my head to see him smiling.
"I'm a cushion." I shrugged making everyone laugh.

"Spencer baby." Some beautiful girl with brown hair and brown eyes said while standing in front of us. Spencer lifted his head slightly before returning it to my shoulder.
"Miley." He sighed.
"We still on for later?" She smiled.
"Nope." He quickly replied.
She huffed before her and her minions walk away.
"Jordan's gotta be special if she's sitting at this table, Spencer doesn't let anyone sit with us, especially girls." Someone called Johnny said.
"Well he's protecting me apparently." I replied uninterested. Everyone laughed but Spencer just held me closer.

The rest of the day flew by, Spencer kept checking on me which was starting to piss me off. He dropped me home and came in with me.

Katie was standing in the kitchen with Alex so Spencer joined them while I went upstairs to shower.

Once I'm done I throw on an oversize shirt that reaches my knee. I walk back down stairs and walk outside to have a cigarette.

Mom still hasn't been home yet, she's been working nonstop and when she finishes she goes to her boyfriends house, nobody told her I'm home so I guess I can't be mad.

"Baby?!" My moms voice yelled excitedly from the back door.
"Momma?" I replied on the point of tears. We run into each other's arms and sob. I love my mom so much and not seeing her for two months was really hard. When dad lived here I saw more of him but mom and I have always been close and we tell each other everything. Alex was closer to dad and I think that's why she doesn't want to see him.
"I missed you baby." She said while hiccuping.
"I missed you too momma."

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