4. Changes

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I'm sorry I haven't been very active with this story and I got a bit side tracked with other stories but I'm back and really motivated💜

Jordan's POV:

It's been a month now since I've been home and honestly collage has been pretty easy, I thought about getting a dorm and getting the full experience but I don't really see the point when I live like twenty minutes away.

Everyday Spencer has picked me up and dropped me home, I sit with his friends everyday and they all really like Darrel so he sits with us.

I thought Spencer was just being protective of me but all of his friends keeps saying he likes me, I won't lie and say that being with him this much and getting to know him more has made me see him differently but he's still a player and I don't want to get involved with that.

Today I actually woke up on time so I have time to shower and pick out a normal outfit.

Once I'm dressed I run downstairs and grab a bowl of cereal, Spencer walks in and smiles before making himself a bowl as well at sitting down next to me

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Once I'm dressed I run downstairs and grab a bowl of cereal, Spencer walks in and smiles before making himself a bowl as well at sitting down next to me.

"There is a party tonight, you gotta come." He says once he's swallowed his cereal. "Why?" I moan. "Because you've got to and I said so." He shrugs making me groan, we finish up and make our way to his car.

He plays some music while I light us both up a cigarette and we sing all the way.

As soon as we arrive Darrel runs up to the car and hides behind me.
"Help me." He whispers while pointing at a cute guy walking towards us. I nod and walk over to the guy.

"Hi, look Darrel isn't looking for some right now, he likes you but he's got a lot going on, he didn't want to lead you on and he's sorry." I smiled while saying the same speech I always say.
"Damn well I wish him the best, when he's ok get him to call me." He smiles and walks away, I smile and nod before walking back over to Spencer and Darrel.

"Your good at that." Spencer smirks. "Well if you ever need any help, let me know." I laugh as the three of us walk into the building. "Nah I've put girls on the back burner right now." He say quietly making Darrel and I look at each other before looking at him again.

"I hope you mean your swinging my way." Darrel says making us all laugh. "Sorry bro but no, I'm kinda interested in someone." Spencer smiles to himself, I feel my heart begin beating faster as I'm hurt.

"I'm gonna go or I'll be late." I say while running away, I run straight into the bathroom and locking myself in a stall, I attempt to control my breathing while I dig through my bag looking for my pills, I find them and take two.

After a few minutes my breathing calms and I leave the bathroom and head into my lesson.

Luckily my lessons went by quickly and I actually understood everything.

At lunch I decided to text Darrel and ask if we wanted to go to McDonald's with me, he agreed and met me outside.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk to his car.
"Why you smiling so much?" I ask while laughing.

"Just found out some good news." He winks before ruffling my hair up. I hit his shoulder while we both laugh.

As we pull up to the drive thru, Spencer texts me.

Spenny 🦋💜
Where are you? X

I was craving McDonald's so D drove us here x

Oh okay🥺

Shut up you big baby x

Our food quickly came and we eat while singing and laugh about old times.
"I really don't want to go back to school D." I sigh. "Why baby girl?" He asks while turning the engine on.

"Honestly, I'm hurt. I started liking Spencer because we've spent more time together. I always judged him before getting to know him and now he likes someone." I sigh. He punches my arm playfully and smiles at me.

"So my little emotionless gremlin has feelings now huh?" He laughs making me laugh while tears run down my cheeks.
"Trust me boo, talk to him." He said while squeezing my knee. "What goods that going to do?" I laugh. "Have I ever been wrong?" He winks while pulling off and driving back to school.

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