2. Lets go shopping.

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Jordan's POV:

I woke up this morning to Sam running into my room and jumping on my bed at 7:20am, if anyone else did this I would actually kill them but Sam climbed into bed with me for a cuddle before he got bored and wanted to play, I was ok with it. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to eat.

I grab a bowl and chop up bananas and strawberries before pouring melted chocolate on top.

I walk over to the couch and watch more America Horror Story, I've watched all of it about four times now but I just love it, I always recognise new things.

I'm to engrossed in the show to notice Spencer jump over then back of the couch and sits next to me.

I look over to him quickly and he smiles before opening his mouth. I sigh before putting some banana and strawberries on my fork and put it in his mouth. He smiled and kisses my cheek making me roll my eyes and wipe my face before we watch tv.

"Hey bubba, what are you doing today?" My sister asked while carrying Sam into the kitchen.
"No idea, I need to get some things for school." I shrugged while never taking my eyes off the tv.
"Well I need to get some new clothes so we can go to the mall?" She smiled.
"Ok." I nodded.
"I wanna come." Spencer pouted making my sister laugh while ruffling his hair.
"You can come spenny." She chuckled. I sigh before getting up and walking upstairs to the bathroom to do my hygiene.

Once I'm clean everywhere I throw on a pair of black leggings and my oversized grey champion hoodie. I throw my hair up into a messy bun and I apply some mascara to make it look like I kinda care.

 I throw my hair up into a messy bun and I apply some mascara to make it look like I kinda care

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I walk back down the stairs to see Katie, Alex and Spencer all waiting for me.
Sam is on Spencer shoulders hitting his head, making me laugh.

"Ready hoes?" I fake smiled.
"Language." Alex sighed while shaking her head.
"Also the only 'hoe' here is spenny." Alex laughed while walking past me.
"I'm driving!" I yelled while grabbing my keys and running in front of everyone.

The drive to the mall was fun, Katie and Alex sat in the back with Sam so Spencer had to sit next to me. He kept trying to distract me by poking my face or body.

We finally arrive at the mall and I jump on Spencer back unexpectedly making him stumble slightly.

"Oooo the big and strong Spencer Lopez isn't a strong as he seems." I giggled making him smack my ass. I gasp loudly, making everyone look at me while Spencer just smirks. I hit his shoulder and try to jump down but he won't let me.

We walk around the whole mall with me on Spencer back. He carried me into every store I wanted to go in.

Now we are going into Victoria secret and he still won't put me down.

"Can we go to the bras please." I asked sweetly.
"Mmm." He replied.
"Oooo can you get that one." I point to the plain black one.
"What about this one?" He held up a red lace bralette.
"Yeah that's cute." I nodded while taking it from him and holding onto it. He still handed me the black bra as well.
"I need underwear." I sighed. He turned his head to the side and smirked before walking over to them.

Some people might be uncomfortable picking out thongs with 'Spencer Lopez' but I really don't care what anyone thinks. I pick about twelve pairs and we go and pay.

"That will be $185 please." The lady at the counter said. I reach for my wallet but Spencer pays before me.
"What are you doing?" I ask confused.
"Being nice." He smiled sincerely.
"You don't have to." I said while shaking my head.
"Okay then you can repay me by showing what they look like on." He winked. And he's back. I roll my eyes but hug him slightly. He passed me the bag and carried me out the store.

"Yoooo Spenc." Someone called from another store.
"Hey Lucas." Spencer replied while walking over to the cute guy.
"He's cute." I whispered in his ear, he tenses slightly and holds my legs tighter.
"No." He said through gritted teeth.
"Who's this?" Lucas smirked.
"I'm Jordan." I shrugged. I know I said he's cute but I don't like him, I don't like anyone.
"Is something wrong with her? Every girl finds me hot?" He laughed to Spencer.
"Your cute but your obviously an ass." I replied for Spencer. Spencer chuckled slightly making Lucas send him a glare.
"He's worse then me." Lucas defended.
"I'm not gonna fuck Spencer though, he won't put me down." I shrugged.
"Has little spenny got a crush?" Lucas said in a baby voice.
"Bro you play to much." Spencer laughed.
"Can we go? I need a cigarette." I moaned.
"A girl that smokes? Now that's something we don't see everyday." Lucas smirked.
"You don't see girls like Jordan everyday." Spencer sighed before turning to face me and smiles.
"Is that a bad thing?" I asked while resting me chin on his shoulder.
"No, it's good." He chuckled.
"Okay well I still need a cigarette so let's gooooo." I said while pulling his shoulders.
"I'll see you later bro."Spencer said to Lucas while walking off.
"See ya." He replied.

"So who is he?" I asked as he walked to the exit.
"Lucas is my best friend." He replied in a monotone voice.
"Oh." I shrugged.

We finally reach the parking lot and I light my cigarette while still on Spencer's back. He turns to face me and smiles while giving me puppy dog eyes, I sigh and give him my cigarette while lighting another for me.
"Thank you." He cheesed making me chuckle.
"Yeah yeah whatever." I replied.

Alex, Sam and Katie all come out to meet us and we walk back to the car.

"So are you excited for tomorrow then?" Katie asked while we drive home.
"Yeah I guess." I shrugged.
"Do you have everything you need?" Alex asked in mom mode.
"Yes mom." I said while rolling my eyes.

We arrive back home and I go straight to my room. I put everything away before going back downstairs to get food.

I open the fridge to see absolutely nothing in there.

"What the fuck am I supposed to eat then?" I said to myself.
"I could name a few things." Spencer said huskily.
"Gross." I said while shaking my head. I walk around him and jump onto the couch, he jumps next to me and throws his arm over me.
"Do you want anything?" I asked while showing him my dominos app.
"Surprise me." He grinned, showing his perfect white, straight teeth.
"Are those real?" I asked while poking them, making him throw his head back laughing.
"Yes they are." He laughed hysterically, I hit his chest making him wheeze.
"That's harsh bambi." He pouted making me laugh.

We order the pizza and watch American Horror Story because he's only watched it with me, so we start from the beginning.
"This is our thing now." He smiled while pulling me into his side. I decide not fight it and I rest my head on his chest and throw my arm over his waist and hug him back.

It doesn't mean anything. Does it?

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