Chapter 6: The Next Day

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To Ashlyn's surprise, Lexi was waiting for her when she entered the apartment.

"Ash!" Lexi says, "There you are! I didn't think you'd be out all night. I thought something had happened."

"I'm fine, Lex." Ashlyn replies, removing her belts and gloves and putting her weapons away.

Lexi then noticed the tears in Ashlyn's bodysuit on the back and sleeves. "Did you get hurt?"

"What?" Ashlyn asked, completely forgetting about the tears until she saw them herself. "Oh, that. Yeah, but just a few scratches. Nothing too big. Now before I answer any more questions, I am exhausted. I'd like to get some sleep. Would you wash this for me?"

"Yeah, sure. Just hang it in the bathroom and I'll get on it." Lexi replies.

Ashlyn nodded and grabbed some lounge pants and an oversized t-shirt before changing out of her corset and bodysuit. She then hung them in the bathroom for Lexi and removed her makeup before passing out in her room.

She woke up late in the afternoon, her bodysuit patched up and folded on the bed, with her corset lying on top of it. She then went with her morning routine before Lexi started bombarding her with questions.

"So, what happened? Details, but not too much." Lexi starts.

"Well, after I left..." Ashlyn started, filling Lexi in on last night's events. However, she purposely left out the details about Eric. Instead, she only told her friend that it was just some guy in all black with a painted face who had the same idea she did.

"Sooo..." Lexi started teasing, "Tell me more about your new boyfriend. Did he tell you his name?"

"Okay, first, it's not like that. Second, we're just temporarily working together. Third, he didn't tell me his name. And last, he has a girlfriend." Ashlyn responded. "Also, it's crazy complicated."

"How so?"

"Now that stays between me and him."

"Come on, Ash."

"Forget it."

"Fine. So, you going out again tonight?"


"Think you'll be out all night again?"


"What are your plans for now?"

"Wait until nightfall."

Hours had passed, and soon night had fallen. Ashlyn had geared up in her black bodysuit and corset before slipping into her boots and adding her makeup. She then put on her gloves and strapped on her weapons. Once she was set, she slipped back into the darkness and went to meet up with Eric.

She found him on the roof again, playing on his guitar before suddenly smashing it and throwing it to the ground below.

"Geez, what did that poor guitar do to you?" She asked.

Eric turned to see her standing a short ways back with her arms folded.

"How long have you been there?" He asked.

"Not long." Ashlyn replied, "Just got here. We heading out?"

"Yeah, let's go."

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