Chapter 3: Kiss of the Fallen Angel

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"That was close." Ashlyn said once they were far enough away, "I thought for sure we were screwed."

"I guess." Eric replies.

"Also, how the hell were you able to tank that gunshot? Got a bulletproof vest hidden on you or something?"

"No." Eric replies, "Just lucky."

As they continued, Ashlyn noticed a girl on a skateboard almost skate right in front of a car.

"Shit." She said under her breath as she ran to try and stop her.

Eric, however, somehow got there first, pulling the girl safely out of the way.

"You didn't even slow down, you dickhead!" The girl yelled after the car while Eric steadied himself against a lightpost when Ashlyn arrived.

"Everyone alright?" Ashlyn asked.

"He couldn't have stopped." Eric says, ignoring her question.

"He was a buttface. I could have made it." The girl said, also ignoring Ash until she saw the adult female with the black bodysuit and makeup. She then tried to get a look at Eric, and caught a small glimpse of his painted face. "What are you two supposed to be, a clown and vampire or something?"

"Sometimes." Eric replied.

"Something like that." Angel responded.

"It's more like surfing than skating." The girl says, going to retrieve her skateboard. "I wish the rain would stop, just once."

"It can't rain all the time." Eric says before suddenly taking Ashlyn and leaving.

"Who was that?" She asked, "Someone you know?"

"It's complicated." He responds.

They continued in silence until they reached the Pit, and they circled around, looking for a way in. After finding a fire escape, Eric helped Ashlyn up before making his way up with ease. They waited for a moment before the crow flew up and over to a window, before vanishing inside.

"Alright," Eric whispers to her, "let's go."

Ashlyn nods and follows him up and in the room through the window. She heard someone trying to call over the crow, which continued to just sit there before Eric made his and Ashlyn's presence known.

"Here, Funboy." Eric said, mocking him.

"What the fuck?" Funboy says when he sees the two. Eric then suddenly ran over, making a sound on his guitar. "No, man! Don't do that!" Funboy yelled, "You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!"

"Only nearly?" Ashlyn asked as she walked over with her hands on her hips, "Pity."

Eric simply walked over and hung the guitar while Funboy pulled out a gun and aimed it at them.

"I think it's time you take your girlfriend and your bird and leave, freako." he says.

"Girlfriend? That's quite the compliment." Ashlyn says, "More like partner in crime."

Eric didn't comment on it and instead pulled a chair over before sitting down and placing his hand on the barrel of the gun.

"Take your shot, Funboy." He says, "You got me dead bang."

"You two are seriously fucked up." Funboy says, "Did you look in the mirror? You both need professional help."

With a loud BANG of the gun, Eric jerked his hand away, and Ashlyn flinched. Eric seemed to yell out in pain as he held up his hand, which had a large bullet hole through the palm. However, this quickly turned into insane laughter as the wound suddenly healed, as if it never happened. This surprised Ashlyn, but she made sure not to show it.

'How the hell was that possible?' She thought to herself. 'It can't be.' She then thought back to the pawn shop, when she saw Eric get shot in the torso. He had completely brushed it off and told her he was just lucky when she asked about it. She was pulled from her thoughts after hearing Funboy swear.

"Jesus Christ!" He yelled

"Jesus Christ?" Eric asked, "Stop me if you've heard this one. Jesus Christ walks into a hotel." Funboy shot him again in the shoulder, but Eric kept going. "Ow." He says, "He hands the innkeeper three nails and he asks..." again, he was shot, this time in the stomach.

"Don't you ever fuckin die?" Funboy asked. "Maybe she will." He added, turning his gun on Ashlyn.

"Can you put me up for the night?" Eric said, finishing his joke. He then stopped Funboy from shooting Ashlyn by knocking the gun down, shooting him in the leg.

"Aww, does that hurt?" Ashlyn asked, walking over. "Tell me, Hon, have you ever been kissed by a Fallen Angel?"

Funboy swore as Eric backed off. "Look at what you've done to my sheets." he says before passing out.

During all this, the woman that was with him ran and hid in the bathroom. Eric then dropped the gun before dragging the unconscious Funboy by the ankles to the bathroom.

"Thanks for the save." Ashlyn says.

Eric didn't respond and simply threw Funboy in the bathtub before turning on the cold water.

"What about her?" Ashlyn asks, seeing the blonde woman cowering in the other corner.

"Let me handle her." Eric says.

"Alright." Ashlyn responds, stepping out of the bathroom. She heard the woman screaming at Eric to stay away from her, but then she stopped. She then heard Eric say something to her, but couldn't understand what. The woman then rushed out in fear, leaving Ashlyn and Eric. She then saw something that caught her attention. "Hey, check this out."

Eric walked over to see what Ashlyn was looking at, and picked up the syringe with something in it. Morphine, he suspected.

Unaware to either of them, Funboy had woken up and had armed himself with a straight razor. They only realized it when he slashed Ashlyn with it, which caused her to yell out in pain, falling over.

"Fuckface!" Funboy yelled before lashing at her again, cutting her arm multiple times.

"Angel!" Eric says.

"I'm fine." She replies as she struggles against Funboy, "I got this." She continued her fight, getting the straight razor knocked away before she was hit in the head with a beer bottle. She hissed in pain before pulling out her knife and stabbing Funboy with it as he tried to close in on her. He collapsed on the ground, and Ashlyn pinned him down with a knife to his throat as Eric completely filled the syringe with morphine and knelt down next to her.

"That's way too much, man." Funboy says weakly, "You're wasting it. Jesus, this hurts."

"Relax, Hon. The pain will end soon." Ashlyn says.

"But first, your friends. Skank. T-Bird. Where?" Eric added.

Funboy told them whatever they wanted to know before Ashlyn put her knife away and took the syringe from Eric, jamming it into his heart. She did the same with a few more before Eric stopped her.

"That's enough, Angel." He says. Ashlyn then painted the broken halo on Funboy's arm in blood before leaving Eric to paint the crow on his chest.

As they stood, Ashlyn stumbled slightly, still recovering from her fight. Eric grabbed he guitar and slung it over his shoulder before helping her out the window. Right before they left, someone entered and saw them. The two looked up and Ashlyn waved flirtatiously as Eric held a finger to his lips before they vanished.

"You should be more careful." Eric tells her once they're safely away and have a chance to stop.

"I'm fine." Ashlyn replies, "It's just a few scratches compared to what you took. Besides, while I have no idea how you were able to do what you did, it doesn't mean you get all the fun."

"What do you mean?" Eric asked.

"I saw you get shot and brush it off like it was nothing. Normally, that would have badly injured, if not killed someone. So how do you do it?"

Eric was silent for a moment. "Follow me." He said.

"Where are we going?" Ashlyn asked.

"There's someone we need to see."

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