Chapter 1

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POV: Peyton

I put my hair up in a bun. I take my blazer off hanging it on a chair. I then kick my heels to the side. The office is empty. Just me and the janitor. Tomorrow is my first case. I look over the papers once more. I have to be missing something. Anything. There isn't much evidence that he burned down that school. But he was there at the time. He was apprehended by some hero. I never heard of him before. And I can't get ahold of that fucker to ask important questions. Oh he is full of himself. What type of name is All Might. He probably thinks he is the best dam thing since sliced bread. I sigh. At this point, my first case might be a lost. There is nothing, he is going to walk. I'm 22 years old, and I'm going to be a failure before my life even starts. There was a knock at the door. Jin came in.
"I just wanted to tell you, I'm done for the night. I'm going home, and you should too." He smiles.
"I'm a big girl. I know when to call it quits." I chuckle.
"You've been staying late all week. You should be resting tonight. It's already so late."
"I'll go home soon. I promise."
"Ok. Have a nice night."
"You too." He closed the door behind him. I started going through everything again. Time felt like it had stopped. That's when I saw it. Key information I and everyone else over looked. I then heard footsteps. They were loud. I look over that the clock. 1:45am. Jin went home about 2 hours ago. Shit. I start shoving all the papers in my bag. The footsteps getting closer. I need to keep this information safe. But I also need to get out of here fast. Grabbed my stuff, and walked quickly but quietly to the copier room. Once there I close the door behind me, and push the copier in front of it. I make my way to the other door. This door leads back around to the front. Suddenly the fire alarm went off. I touch the door handle, but it was hot. Crap, he thought ahead. He set that fire knowing it will take a few seconds to start to burn and make the alarms go off. He is trying to trap me. I can't stay here. I'm a sitting duck. Think Peyton think! Maybe I could get a fire extinguisher, and fight my way out.... Probably shouldn't fight since I'm quirkless. Shit. Now the footsteps where coming closer. They are in the other room. He knows I'm stuck in this small room. I look too the window. I'm on the 28th floor. But if the building is on fire then I have to get out! I run over to the window, as I did, a gun was being fired across the door. Bullets came flying into the room. They just barely miss me. Does he have a machine gun?! I try to open the window, but it doesn't open. Shit! I look around, he is slamming on the door. He is going to get in here. I grab the chair, and slammed it against the window. There was a crack, but it didn't break. I tried again. The glass shatters. I could now hear the fire trucks down below me. I grab my bag, and climb onto the windowsill. Suddenly the door opens behind me. I hear his gun. Without thinking, I jumped. I hear him shooting but he missed me. I look down, the ground coming closer faster and faster. I scream. I close me eyes, expecting death. Suddenly there was arms around me. I opened my eyes, I see blue and red... I look up, and see a fucking god. He jaw line, his eyes, his fucking hair! I literally can't move. I'm so infatuated with him. Suddenly we land. And he sets me down. He smiles, then jumps back to the building. At this point I fall to my knees. Reality sinking in. People come around me. They bring me to an ambulance. I jumped from the 28th floor! Someone was trying to kill me! Yet, all I care about right now is him. It all happened to fast. I didn't even get to ask what he goes by... I hear gun shots. Then the building started to shake. The fire was taking over. Whatever is going on in there is making it unstable. I look around at the crowd. "Excuse me?" I finally spoke.
One of the EMTs looked at me. "Yes?"
"Who saved me?"
"Umm, I think he goes by All Night?"
"All Might." My eyes go big.
"Yeah that's his name. He is making quite a name for himself."
"All Might." To think the man I literally thought was full of himself, saved me. And now, I am going down this rabbit hole, and I can't stop. I didn't even know the dude and I judged him. I have to say think you. Suddenly someone came flying out of the building. I stood up. Trying to see. There he was, with a man tied up in on hand. The firefighters got to work. The crowd started to cheer. Now I'm angry and I don't know why. Oh, probably because I had tried to get ahold of him several time! I needed his statement, and anything else! I couldn't stop my feet from moving. I pushed through the crowd. I walked right up to him. "Hey!"
He looked down at me. "Yes?"
I slapped him. He was shocked. "Go to hell." I then walked away. Everyone was silent. I heard someone ask him if I was his girlfriend or something. I grabbed my bag, and started to walk home. Suddenly a certain hero was in front of me.
"I save you and you tell me to go to hell? How about a thank you?"
"Or, you have a way for lawyers to get ahold of you. Then you schedule meetings with them. Then you might be a reason the person you handed to the police stays in jail."
"I'm sorry, are you mad about something else?"
"I'm the lawyer working on the school that burned case. Right now the man that you caught is going to walk. I tried to get hold of you several time. Yet I never even saw you. Hell, once I final found the Agency your with, they said they would have you call me. It's been a week, and I called back several times. Actually, the man that attacked me, is the dude I'm trying to put always cousin. He is pissed at me for trying to put his cousin in jail. His actions might actually help the case, but you certainly are not."
"I didn't know."
"I don't like you."
"You have a good reason."
"Now, if you will excuse me. I'm going home."
"How about I give you my number. Then if you need to get ahold of me you can."
I sigh. "Cell or home?"
"Ahh home."
"Ok." I reach in my bag, and grab a pen and some paper. I hand it to him. "This doesn't change anything tho."
"Maybe with time I'll learn to dislike you too." He chuckles. He then hands me back the paper.
"Well, I'm not easy to get along with." I then push past him.
"You need a sign. Caution: Doesn't Play Well With Others."
I flipped him off as I walked away.

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