22) you the one i see

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Leon and Liam were both slightly hungover but Liam left to go get coffee for everyone. Will was showering while I was picking out something to wear. I heard him singing in the shower and smiled at the sound of it. I went into the bathroom to put makeup on. He stopped singing as soon as he heard me come in.


"Don't mind me. Doing my makeup." I replied. I left my hair as it was and out on a little bit of makeup.

"I'll be out in a minute." He said.

I continued with my makeup until the shower turned off. His hand reached out and grabbed the towel. A few seconds later he came out with the towel wrapped around his waist.

"Damn. What you doing out here with all that CAKE?" I said.

"And look at your cute ass what the fuck dog." He kissed my lips and I pulled back because his wet hair dripped on my face.

"Finish getting ready. I'll be downstairs." I laughed and left the bathroom.

I came down the stairs and Liam handed me a coffee. I thanked him and sat down on the couch.

"Can you take a picture of me in this?" I asked Leon.


He got me to pose for a few pictures and I picked my favorite of the few.

Annaandbea: fact: wilbur is KYOOT

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Annaandbea: fact: wilbur is KYOOT

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"Hey. You guys ready?" Will asked coming down the stairs.

"Yeah can you put my shoes on. My hands still sore." I said. He nodded and brought over my shoes.

Cal texted me and I said we were leaving in a few. Will finished tying them and kissed the top of my head.

"Let's go." Liam said holding up his Pilot keys.

We got to his car and I traded him for having a mom car.

"Hey. Don't complain because my mom car is gonna fit all of us." He shot back.

There were only two seats in the middle and then the backseat was up. Wilbur and I slid into the middle and he helped me buckle. We drove down to the hotel Lana and Cal were staying at. I texted them we were here and they came out the front moments later.

"Let's move to the back." I said to Wilbur. He nodded and helped me get in the back. The door opened and they got in.

"Hungover Lana?" Leon asked turning around.

"Nope. Never had a hungover." She smiled proudly.

"Speaking of, Let's get more alcohol for tonight. I haven't had a good drink night in forever." I said to them.

"Fine. We'll pick some up before we go home." Leon replied.

"Get ready time see your girlfriend drunk. It's a disaster." Cal said to Wilbur.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Will laughed.

We went to lunch and then shopping after.

"Since you're gonna be my maid of honor, I want your dress to be special. Not like the bridesmaids. Same color but different style." Lana explained to me while we walked around the mall.

We found a dress store and instantly Lana got right into the dresses. The theme was a blush pink and I was completely for it. It's her favorite color. It didn't take long to find the perfect dress.

"That's it. That's perfect. I know the wedding isn't for a while but I won't see you again until then. That's why we're getting it now." She said.

"I know. It really is nice." The dress was the blush pink she was looking for. The skirt was long and flowing but the top was fitted.

"I love it." I smiled at her.

"We could put your hair up too." She said and pulled my hair up slightly to show what she meant.

"That would be so cute." I nodded.

"Oh my god. Is that a hickey?" She asked looking at my neck. I looked closer in the mirror and sure as shit it was.

"Fuck. I didn't even notice." I blushed.

"Oh my god. Have you guys had sex yet?" She asked.

"No! Not yet.." My face reddened even more if it was possible.

"He's cute. He loves you. Don't make him wait. I know you want to just as much as he does." She winked.

"Shut up..maybe I do want to..BUT I want to go slow. I don't want to rush into anything." I explained and she nodded.

"Just don't wait too long." I nodded my head.

"Jesus. My girlfriend is beautiful." Wilbur came into the room.

We both turned to him and I smiled at the sight of him.

He walked closer and Lana left to let us talk.

"You like it?" I ask.

"Love it." He looked down at the rest of the dress.

"Are you gonna be my date to the wedding?" I asked. He looked up and smiled.

"Thought you would never ask." He kissed me.

"I knew you would say yes." I smiled.

"I see you've got a little something on your neck." His hand grazed over my neck and collarbone and I shivered.

"I think I have you to blame." I bit my lip and looked up at him.

He pulled me closer to him and his mouth grew closer to my ear.

"Just have to show everyone that you're mine." My knees grew weak and I nearly melted in his arms.

"Unzip my dress."


"So I can change doofus. Although I might let you unzip something else later." This instantly got him to unzip my dress.

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