28) love you through the better days

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Two weeks left. In two weeks, I would by flying to New Zealand for Lana and Cal's wedding. As mean at this sounds, I was more excited to see my boyfriend. I haven't seen him in two months. I've been coping well. I miss him like hell, but we talk everyday and it almost feels as though he never left. I've been focusing quite a lot on my career though. I started doing a lot of colabs with bigger creators. Beck and I ended up becoming good friends as well. When I wasn't hanging out with Carson and gang, I was usually hanging out with Beck or Leon. Liam and I also grew closer. He truly is a sweetheart. I could see him and Leon getting married and adopting ten babies together. Marriage. After Finn, I didn't think I would want to be married. He treated me so poorly. I could see myself marrying Will though. Having kids. Shit I'm only 22 but in a few years maybe. Lana and Cal are 24. They've been together for years.

I closed my eyes and I could see it. Feel it almost. A tiny baby in my hands. Me lying in Will's arms. When I opened my eyes again, tears were pouring out. My eyes stared blankly at the ceiling.

"Fuck." I whispered under my breath before wiping my eyes. I just want to be with him.

My phone buzzed next to me. I looked at it and saw his perfect and handsome face. I smiled sadly and picked it up.

"Hi Bunny." His voice was music to my ears.

"Hi." My voice cracked.

"What's wrong?" He can always tell.

"I miss you. You should just come early again." I laughed through the tears.

"I wish I could. Just a little longer."

We talked for hours until I heard his soft snores indicating he had fallen asleep. I hung up the phone and watched Beauty and The Beast with my beast, Bea of course. I'm excited to see Will but I'm also upset it won't be for long again. At least he was coming to New Zealand. Mum and dad know I have a boyfriend and they are excited to meet him much to my liking. I still needed to get my packing done. I just like to be prepared so I'm not scrambling the day we leave. I have my dress ready which is great. It's hanging on the back of my closet door and I always pass it and smile.

I glanced over at it and then to the sweater hung up next to it. I got out of bed and ran over to grab it. I pulled it on and smiled as I became enveloped in the warmth and scent. Will's sweater. My sweater now LOL

The next few days I spent preparing for the wedding. Lana asked me to give a speech at the reception as well so I've been planning for that as well. She said I didn't have to worry about planning a bachelorette party so she's got one of her bridesmaids doing that. I just have to show up to it. Apparently Cal had called Will and Leon saying they were also coming to the bachelor party. Liam also would be going to the bachelor party but that was just implied.

"I booked the hotel. It's a really nice suite with two beds. There's also a pool area that we can all go swimming in." Leon told me over dinner.

"Nice. I can't wait." I told him.

"One more week. I know it sucks being long distance and everything, but just think about how great it will be to see him again. You'll fall in love all over again." He explained smiling sadly.

"I love him so much."

Liam came over that night and the three of us watched movies together until I got tired and left them to do their thing. I went upstairs and laid down in bed not even bothering to change into some pajamas. I just stared at the ceiling and waited for sleep to take over.

The day our flight was supposed to leave came. As I said before, I didn't want to scramble, so I've been ready since yesterday. Leon and Liam were doing last minute things while I waited in the car. Charlotte agreed to come over and check on Bea while we're gone, thankfully. I didn't want to have to ask Carson or Noah because if I'm being honest, they would have killed my cat accidentally. Leon and Liam finally came out of the building and got in Charlottes car.

"I wish I could have come. I've just been so busy with work there's no way I would have been able to go to the wedding." Charlotte was invited but as she said, work.

"Me too. I know you miss everyone too." I smiled sadly at her. She just nodded and started driving to the airport.

I texted Will saying we would be boarding the plane soon and he said he had just boarded his. I then texted Cal telling him the same thing and he just replied with a weird astray of emojis. We got to the airport and I hugged Charlotte before we left. I also gave her the apartment key and thanked her. We waved our goodbye and entered the airport.

The flight couldn't be any worse. I had a screaming child sitting behind me and the only time it stopped screaming, was when it was eating. We were all pretty annoyed with this situation so I just put in earbuds and went to sleep listening to some music. When I woke up again we were about to land. Will should be here by now. He told me earlier he was going to meet us at the hotel. I was excited to see him and my family. God I never thought I would be bringing another guy home. The amount of phone calls I have with mum where I talk about him alone is insane. They're going to love him.

I'm sorry this is a filler chapter!! Next two chapters will be a lot better so just hold out until then please!!

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