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11:15am, May 3, 2012

S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier, Atlantic Ocean

"Agent Romanoff, this is Captain Rogers." Phil Coulson, a slowly balding man dressed in a suit announced. Beside him was a tall blonde man, a muscular build and enchanting blue eyes; Captain Rogers.

"Ma'am." Captain Rogers replied, nodding in respect to the red-headed woman that had sauntered up to the other men.

"Hi," She replied, her voice sultry and smooth. "They need you on the bridge, they're starting the face trace." Agent Romanoff told Coulson, watching him hurry off the tarmac into the ship. Agent Romanoff and Captain Rogers walked across the tarmac, agents rushing around as they attempted to ready the helicarrier for takeoff. The two chatted about Captain Rogers' big reappearance before running into a nervous looking man in an ill-fitting suit.

"Dr Banner." Captain Rogers called, gaining the attention of the man trying desperately not to run into bustling agents.

"They told me you'd be coming." Bruce replied, shaking the captain's hand.

"Word is you can find the cube." Rogers trailed off, looking at him with skepticism. Agent Romanoff looked around, seeing as the agents were slowly lessening in number. Walking over to the edge of the helicarrier away from Bruce and Captain Rogers' conversation, she was met by another agent.
"It's peaceful out here." She said, her voice feminine and young. Agent Romanoff looked to the side in confusion, seeing a girl much shorter than herself looking out over the water they were drifting through.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" The red-head asked, turning her body to completely face the supposed-teen. Her eyes narrowed, assessing her.

"Someone you're not going to like in a few seconds." The girl replied, her tone resigned. She sighed quietly, listening to the agent sputter before pulling a small knife from the back of her leather pants, using it to slash Romanoff's arm.

"Who do you work for?!" She screamed, dodging attacks and blocking knife strikes.

"The same people you did before you left us. I know all about you Natalia. You could've been so much more." The girl seethed, using both of her hands to push her knife into Natalia's shoulder, gulping when the other screamed in agony.

"My name is Natasha." The older woman forced out through gritted teeth, still trying to disarm the smaller spy.
"You'll always be Natalia. You cannot escape."

"I did! And so can you. Please, there's so much more outside of the Red Room, I can help you!" Natasha squealed, her body suspended in the air, the teenager's grip on her throat tight, but not life-threatening.

"No one can help me. I'm a lost cause." She replied, defeat seeping into her gray eyes. The grip on Natasha's throat increased, her nails digging into the flesh beneath her ears.

"You're not. You're still young. Just let us help you!" Natasha begged, her legs kicking out to try and reach her attacker.


"At least tell me your name." Natasha pleaded, black spots beginning to fill her vision from the lack of oxygen supply she was receiving. Natasha's limp body was dropped to the tarmac as agents began filing out of the main cabin.

"I'm the Black Widow."

3:06pm, May 4, 2012

Moscow, Russia

"One objective. ONE OBJECTIVE. That's all you had. And yet, you managed to mess it up. I sent you on this mission because you have not failed any mission or test you've encountered. You're the best we've got. So why did you fail? All you had to do was kill her." The boss yelled, his voice laced with venom as he paced the length of his office, Violetta occupying a chair in front of his desk quietly.

"I apologise, Sir." Violetta replied meekly, her gaze lowered to trembling hands.

"No! No apologies, I need an answer. Why. Did. You. Fail?" He spat, his face so close to hers she could feel the waves of hot breath washing over her face.

"I do not have an answer, Sir." Violetta responded, her voice shaking with the rest of her body.

"You've gone weak. You were my most ruthless killer but now since Madame Bouffier has let you go, you're crumbling like nothing. Because that's all you are, nothing. Nothing." His words cut deep for Violetta, fond memory of her ballet and marksmanship teacher from the Academy flashing through her otherwise occupied with fear brain.

"You're going back in. Full time, with extra training from the Winter Soldier. I will break you." He seethed, standing upright and marching to his chair, sitting down in it with a commanding aura, Violetta scrambled out of her chair and ran throughout the halls of the compound with newfound passion. Reaching the hangar, she climbed into the helicopter she arrived in, allowing the whirring blades to calm her erratic heartbeat. The next few months were going to be hell.

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