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5:17am, May 3, 2013

New York City, New York

"Dr Banner, you requested I notify you when Mr Rogers and Miss Romanoff returned from their mission." J.A.R.V.I.S. announced, waking Bruce from his sleep, again.

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks." He mumbled, standing up and wandering to the elevator, not bothering to change or make himself presentable. Walking into the hangar, he spotted Tony and Thor with Clint, all three talking in hushed voices.

"Guys? Is everything okay?" Bruce questioned, concern filling his voice.

"Yeah. She's just getting checked out in the med bay. Nat got her with that 'cognitive recalibration' thing. I think it was just revenge from getting choked out by the kid last year." Tony laughed, Clint snickering beside him.

"But she's got a few other bruises. Nat said she's got fingerprints on her hips and a hickey on her chest. Apparently they're fresh so something happened during her mission that they were too late to stop." Clint continued, watching as Bruce's nostrils flared, quickly continuing to calm the raging green monster appearing in front of him. "She's okay! It's just a few bruises, they'll heal. You can even go see her now! I think Nat was just saying she was waking up!" Clint rushed out, pointing in the general direction of the med bay where Natasha, Helen and Violetta were. Bruce ran faster than he ever had, pushing past S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark Industries personnel as he navigated the twisting halls of the Avengers Tower.

Arriving in the medical bay, he was greeted with the sight of his fifteen year old daughter crying in the arms of the woman he had quickly growing feelings for. Nothing could have made him feel more complete than seeing his two girls together.

"Daddy?" Violetta's voice cracked saying the words, her arms falling from their place around Natasha's back.

"Princess!" Bruce nearly yelled, a sigh of relief falling from his lips as he ran toward her, tugging the familiar body into his arms as tears began falling onto his shirt, her nose buried in the crook of his neck, arms tightly wound around his torso. Her grip was like a vice, his no less tight.

After thirteen years, he finally had his baby girl back.

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