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11:31am, September 30, 2013

Tromsø, Norway

The ringing in Thor's ears was deafening. His arms weakly pulled his body up against the wall he had been thrown against. His eyes surveyed the room quickly before he caught the sight of Jane unconscious on the other side of the room, her hair splayed out in all directions, a small cut on the side of her forehead. However his attention was caught on the golden glow that emitted from the middle of the room, the rays reached out like the hands of God. It took his eyes a few moments to adjust to the brightness of the light, though when they did, he saw the small figure of his friend's daughter hovering within.

Her body limp like a dying flower, her arms hung loosely from her shoulders, her hands brighter than the rest of her arms. The long tresses of white hair that were usually tied up now hung around her face like a curtain, obscuring the peaceful face behind it.

He stood slowly, legs trembling. Taking a few staggered steps toward the light, he saw Violetta moving slightly, as though she were fighting something in her sleep. Her body thrashed around, arms and legs kicking desperately at an invisible attacker. Suddenly, an ear piercing scream tore from the teenager's throat, her body stilled and a deafening silence followed. Thor moves closer once again, his legs stronger and no longer shaking like a newborn deer.

"Lady Violetta?" He spoke, his voice a low rumble. As though the sound had startled her awake, Violetta's body dropped to the ground, limbs entangled. Thor raced forward, cradling the head of the girl. Her eyes shot open, no longer were they an oceanic blue. The same golden glow from before seemed to have been replaced in her eyes, a tantalising mixture of light and dark golds. Speckles of brown and white littered the orbs that stared back at Thor in confusion.

"What happened?" Violetta mumbled, her voice hoarse. Thor looked at her carefully, leaving a few beats of silence to pass before answering.

"I am unsure of that myself, Lady Violetta. Stark and the others are on their way. Perhaps they can breed some light on the situation." Violetta was about to reply when a soft groan was heard from the other side of the room. Thor's head snapped to Jane's half conscious body, her chest rising and falling harder than it was before. Violetta looked at the woman slowly, blinking hard as she tried to remember who she was. Thor stood, rushing to Jane's body. He gently lifted her up, sitting her against the wall with one large hand on her shoulder. He began asking her many questions though it was a full murmur as Violetta began piecing together the events of the morning.

Arrived in Tromsø.

Met Jane.

Went for coffee.

Saw a man.

Woke up here.

Violetta's face scrunched in confusion as she remembered the tall man. His limbs long and slender, cloaked in a tight black suit. Long, dark hair cascading like waterfalls over his shoulders. His eyes, wide and piercing, light in colour but dark in feel. She couldn't remember where she had seen him before, searching every memory of Black Widow missions and performances but the face could never be found. Her breathing increased, and just as Violetta was on the verge of a panic attack, the door burst open.

Bruce Banner and Tony Stark stood in the doorway, a few heads could be seen behind them of the remaining Avengers. Bruce rushed forward, falling onto his knees next to his daughter's hunched body, cradling her head to his chest and began rambling. Violetta's breathing calmed, and she looked to the concerned eyes of the Avengers, and for the first time in a very long while, she felt cared for.

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