Chapter 25

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I leave to go to the grocery store and my life takes yet another turn. I open the door of the house and almost drop the bag. There was a child. Just sitting on the floor of the foyer. He had a mess of blonde hair and deep brown eyes. He played roughly with Paris who panted happily at the attention she was receiving.

I daintily step around and set the bag on the counter in the kitchen where Thomas sat on the counter. "Did we have a child and I don't remember being pregnant for nine months?" I ask in a hushed voice.

"That would be Ringo..." Thomas mumbles.

"Why is he here?"

"Isabella asked if I could watch him while she was out of town. I didn't think you would mind. It might just give you some practice for when we have our own kids one day," he says, winking and nudging me lightly with his foot.

"Would've liked a bit of a heads up first," I grumble.

"Sorry but my phone died so I couldn't call you!" He protested.

"Well, how would you feel if you come home and I just had a random child!? Maybe I should call Hale up and see if I can have Ronnie this weekend!"


"Ronnie Wood was a member of The Rolling Stones. Hale has always been a Rolling Stone fan. Therefore, my child's name is Ronnie," I explain.

"You said you were joking about that!" He shouts.

"It's cute how you thought I was serious when I said I was joking."

"Are you sure it's y-yours?" He stammers, uncomfortably.

I smack him upside the head a few times. "No, Thomas! It just freaking came out of me!" I shout.

"No need to yell. You seriously have a child?"

I pull my phone from my pocket. "I'll have Hale send a picture, then you can see my kid."

A few minutes later my phone buzzes. I show him the picture of a little five year old boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

"He looks like Hale..."

"That's because it is Hale, you dumb ass! I do not have a child!"

"Yet," he flirts.

I scowl at him. "Not the time, Thomas."

"Sorry, but it's true! If we're going to be married eventually, I want another kid!"

"We aren't even engaged! Stop talking about AFTER the wedding we may not have!"

"Thank you for crushing my dreams, love."

"It's what I-" I am interrupted by none other than little Ringo Melling.

He taps lightly on his father's shin. "Daddy..."

"What, Ringo?" He asks.

"I'm hungry...."

"Well, what do you want?"


He sighs and opens the cabinet next to his head and pulled down a package of Oreos. He takes one out and hands it to Ringo. He takes one for himself before handing me one. He put the package back in cabinet and popped the cookie in his mouth.

"That is not how you eat an Oreo," I say.

"What are you talking about?"

"You have to split it two!" I say, showing him how.

"Listen to her, Daddy," Ringo says sweetly.

"Yeah, listen, Thomas."

"I can't believe you. Turning my own son against me."

I just shrugged and munched on the cookie. "I haven't had an Oreo in, I don't know how long," I mumble.

"You have not been living," Thomas says. "You poor girl."

"Daddy? Who is she?" Ringo asks, pointing at me.

Thomas lifts him up and sets him between the two of us on the counter. "This is Daddy's girlfriend, Emmalyn. Daddy loves her very much, okay?"

He nods and waves a little at me. I smile a bit and wave back. Children were never something I was good with. They just never liked me all that much.

"Hi, Ringo."

"Hi, Emma- Emma-...."

"You can call me Em of you want."

"Hi, Em," Ringo says softly.

Thomas smiles and kisses the top of his head. He just looks at me with big brown eyes. Big brown eyes that could make anyone melt. He takes my hand, rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. He brings it up to his pink lips and kisses it gently. "I love you, Emmalyn," he says gently against my skin.

"Love you too, Thomas," I mumble.


A/N: Sorry it took so long to update but I am slowly running out of chapter ideas and I have had basketball games constantly.... So.. Yeah. Well, I thought maybe I should start answering the QOTCs too.. Favorite Fandom? PJO. How it should end? No idea...

Please comment/vote! -med_01

QOTC: Favorite band/singer?

My answer: Probably either Hot Chelle Rae out Emblem3

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