Chapter 6 New challenge

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At the dojo You were getting prepared to teach a new move to the students.

Y/N: Ok everyone fall in.

Everyone lined up into rows.

Y/N: I seen you all improve since your last few lessons i taught you for the past year, all of you were struggling and then y'all become badass ever since an thats why i will be giving you your brown belts early.

Everyone was surprise when you said that.

Student #1(Jose): r u serious Y/N.

Student #2:(Axel): tell me your joking man.

Y/N: I am serious but y'all have to learn this move first Spinel toss me the board.

Spinel toss the board and you catch the board and then you smash it with your head.

Y/N: Headbutting will be your lesson Now everyone Grab a partner.

You And Spinel went in the office and you sat down reading a magazine about the tournament.

Spinel: Is this the same tournament you've enter.

Y/N: sure is damn the fights i had were brutal and i won 5 times.

Suddenly Jose knock on the door.

Jose: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Look if your having trouble tuck in your chin and aim for the nose at the crown of your head.

Jose: No i got that cover i just wanted to say thanks for the brown belts i really appreciate it i never thought i made it this far.

Y/N: Anytime man

Jose got curious about what your reading and saw the ad for the karate tournament.

Jose: Wait are we actually entering?

Y/N: I don't know Sensei Y/S owns the dojo and im just a assistant karate instructor.

Jose: Think about it Sensei Y/S hasn't return since that family emergency he had I think he wouldn't mind us entering the tournament now we are brown belts now

Y/N: I guess i can try to register us in but don't tell anyone yet.

Jose: Ok but what about black belts?

Y/N: That's going to be a while until then get back out there and kick ass.

Jose: Yes Y/N.

Jose bows at you and walk back to his training.

20 minutes later
You gave everyone their brown belts and they all left for the day.

Spinel: So when r u going to sign the students for the tournament.

Y/N: Probably after i tell them in a couple days the tournament is in months.

Spinel: I hope it goes well.

You Two hop on your motorcycle and left the strip mall.

Hey Everyone sorry this took long to write this chapter ive had a family problems but i wont get into that. I will still post more chapters but since i dont know when steven universe future is coming back i may have to wait until new episodes come out but i will make Male readers own chapters and then i will do the graduation episode if i can squeeze it in.
Anyways see ya in the next chapter.

Spinel X Male reader 2 (A steven universe future story)Where stories live. Discover now