Chapter 17 a new start

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You and spinel woke up after what you guys did last night.

Y/N: Morning Spinel.

Spinel: Morning Y/N last night was fun wasn't it.

Y/N: definitely it was well lets get our clothes on and start off for today.

Spinel: alright.

After getting dressed You and Spinel sat in the living room eating breakfast while watching Supermariologan.

Spinel: Those puppets are weird.

Y/N: I know the human versions are stupid.

Spinel: So How do you plan on spending the money your old sensei gave you?

Y/N: Well i look into buying a new car and decided to get this look.

You show Spinel a picture on your phone a nice 2020 dodge challenger R/ T.

Spinel: Wait is that the same car that the blond guy had in cobra kai?

Y/N: That's an old one this is new.

Spinel: Oh.

Y/N: well im calling an uber in a few minutes since i cant take my bike to the dealership get ready.

20 minutes later 

You and Spinel arrived at the car dealership and saw the car you wanted.

Y/N: there it is.

Spinel: Wow it looks nice up close.

Just then a car saleswoman approach you two.

Saleswoman: Hi can i help you two with something?

Y/N: Yes we're interested in buying this dodge challenger.

Saleswoman: Oh the 2020 dodge challenger R/T great choice would you like to know more features about it?

Y/N: no i've seen everything online just what im looking for ill take it.

Saleswoman: Thats Great follow me to my office.

You and Spinel went to her office and sat down and waited a while.

Saleswoman: Ok now your total is 38,000 dollars.

You handed her your credit card and went through and now the cars yours.

Saleswoman: Here your keys and i hope you two will enjoy the car.

Y/N: thanks.

You and Spinel into your new car and started to drive.

Y/N: So where to Spinel?

Spinel: How about we just drive around and try to go fast.

Y/N: Ight bet.

After driving around for hours it was nighttime and you decided to stop at mcdonalds for dinner.

Spinel: You know Y/N today has been a fun day The new car is great, we rode for hours going fast and We got dinner thanks for a good time.

Y/N: Anytime Spinel at least your happy about today.

Spinel: I am so what are you gonna do about the other money?

Y/N: I might buy a gaming laptop to stream my games and ill probably save the rest.

Spinel: thats actually not that bad you are good at Mario and Yakuza except for Smash bros.

Y/N: Spinel cmon you seen me play.

Spinel: *laughs* Just kidding Y/N.

You and Spinel finish the food and went outside to the car until Spinel saw two guys throwing a rock at a dog.

Random guy #1: Bullseye that had to hurt its crying haha.

Random guy #2: yea man put it out this time.

Spinel: HEY STOP IT!

The guy ignored Spinel and tried to throw the rock at the dog until you rush in and caught the rock in time.

Random guy #1: What the hell?

You threw the rock at the guys face and he was bleeding.

Random guy #2: HOLY SHIT YOU OK BRO!?

He looks at you angrily and ran at you and then you kick him in the stomach and pin him to the ground.

Y/N: If i see any of you again next time you wont be getting up.

Random guy#2:  *cries in pain* im sorry we wont harm it anymore.

Spinel pick up the dog and you all got in the car.

Spinel: Why would someone do that to this little one.

Y/N: *sighs* people who are very cruel and dont have souls.

Spinel: How far is a animal doctor.

Y/N: Let me check *pulls out phone*

You search for a nearby vet and one was down the road.

Y/N: Ok its down the road.

You guys to the vet and waited over 20 minutes and the veterinarian come out. 

Veterinarian: Ok the little one is ok she has a bruise on the left side where she got hit in other words she is fine.

Y/N: Thank god.

Veterinarian: also she has no collar shes probably got abandon by her owner would you like to take her home to care for it?

Y/N: Spinel what do you want to do.

Spinel: i want to take her home i dont want to see that dog getting hurt again and also i want to protect it and give her as much love as we can.

Y/N: We'll adopt her.

Veterinarian: Great here she is and also make sure you feed her this kind of dog food.

She hands you the dog food and you thank her for everything and got back to the car.

Spinel: Im glad we adopted her Y/N shes so cute.

Y/N: well she kinda is.

Spinel: Lets go home its been a day.

Y/N: you got it.

You turn on the car and drove back to beach city with a new member in your family.

Hey guys Sorry again for the late chapter ive been doing my own thing like gaming and speedrunning but now i will focus on finishing this story. Also i will do a third story on Spinel and Male reader and another story coming soon.
Anyways that's all for now see y3all in the next chapter.

Spinel X Male reader 2 (A steven universe future story)Where stories live. Discover now