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So, yesterday I got a memory of Ruth and jack. We were lying in my bed and I was snuggling into jack and then I sat up, looked at him and smiled. My room was quite pretty too. I miss those times.

Also! I'm march I'm seeing my auntie and my nieces mom! 🖤 I'm also getting my fur cut round about March time so that's great! I'm in a double period of art first period. How fun. Not.

So I'm going home now, art sucks. I'm dropping it this year. I'm actually good at traditional art, despite me being horrible at digital art. He said my art was bad, if we get it into the marking place, it could pass it could fail. Nice teacher ae? Anyways, this isn't a drag about my life diary. Anyway, happy stuff now! :)

I also seen the same guy with the dog again at lunch! He came down to see if we were ok, not down to the school obviously but halfway down the way we were walking up. The doggo was doing the play stance again! Also, me and my friend were walking up to the main shop and a dog barked from somewhere, and I got a mini mental shift and I barked. My friend said he sh👅t himself but laughed it off with me so he never questioned why I barked. Keep in mind I have a very loud bark. Good times.

Me and my friend got called weird humans today; and I was just there like, yeah, humans..haha... Like, I'm trapped in a human body. I'm an animal. Not human. But yeah we got called weird humans because we were listening to metal and rock music.

*Screams in fox*

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