Chapter 1: who the fuck are you??

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Shigaraki's P.O.V

"Go, Go, Go, GET THE FUCK IN THE CAR!" I yelled as I heard the sirens of the police vehicles, I jumped in the passenger seat as Kurogiri pumped the gas pedal, pulled down the mask on my mouth and started to claw at my neck "Moonfish, Twice, Spinner! What did we get" I slowly mumble as I turn in my seat to face them "around three grand in here!" Twice yelled over the roaring engine, I groan softly as i slouch in my seat while I search my bag as the car teleports to a dingy area as we slow down to a slight stop.

I step out of the car with my backpack of money and other valuables as i step into the bar owned by Kurogiri aka our secret base, who would guess a bar as a secret base? I look around at my team before raising a hand, "you know where to put the shit.. I will be in my room.. you can stay here while we are still on police radar," I said, turning away and walking to my room, well we won this round of the game.. but there's so many more levels to clear. 

I walked into my dim room and threw my bag on the ground and slid it under my bed, laid on my back on my bed, the 'weird' part about my room is that i have plush animals and toys in my room, like 'action figures' and stuff, people say that makes me a child but who the hell cares? I like them and that's all that matters.. 'sides i'm a full grown adult so i can do whatever i want with the money i steal!

I heard a knock at my door as Kurogiri stepped into sight, "yes, Kurogiri?" I hear myself mumble as I feel a migraine coming to my skull, "two people are here to see you, Tomura Shigaraki," he uttered out before stepping back out of my room, I stood up as a walked out of my room with 'father' in my pocket of my jacket, "who the fuck are you? Holy shit you're ugly," Shigaraki mumbles as he crosses his arms over his chest as he glares at the two in-front of him.

"Right now I'm going by Dabi"

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