Chapter VI: Of Monsters and Men

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With an effect that couldn't be more accurately described as a flash, the three of you reappeared in a chamber glistening and sparkling so much with gold you had to screw your eyes shut to ease the pounding headache. Spots and stars started dancing together right away to the melody of your thumping heart.
Or Loki's?
Perhaps both—an even more elaborate dance to an unheard melody.

You felt your own body grow more unresponsive with every taken step, every inhale and exhale of a wisp of air, every beat of your pulse. In the arms of the irked god you started to writhe less and less, mind only focusing on getting enough oxygen into your lungs as your skin turned warm, almost hot and feverish.

"Welcome to Asgard," a voice spoke, echoing through the rather small room you were perched into. Your eyes fell on a man clad in gold, almost blending in with the rest of the golden chamber, standing in the center of it all. There was a gigantic sword in his hands and you barely caught him as he cast a look full of disappointment at Loki.


Then his eyes fell on you, adapting a more sorrowful glance tinted with a hint of sadness. There was no surprise in his features, so perhaps Thor managed to call in ahead of time?
—Did they even have phones? Communication devices in general?

"I have informed the All-Father of your arrival. He does not know any details, simply that you bring a Midgardian with you who you have placed under your protection and who is in need of our aid."
His voice was deep and calm as he spoke to Thor, orange eyes seeming to glow in contrast to his dark skin.

"Thank you, Heimdall," Thor replied, his feet already carrying him out through the only entrance right on top of a rainbow-colored bridge and you vaguely heard the waves rolling beneath it, vaguely noticed the stars starting to break through the sky despite the remainders of daylight still shining in purple hues.
A Rainbow Bridge—Somehow reminded you of Mario Kart.
Loki continued to follow next to his brother at a brisk pace, not faltering while his grip was tight, but surprisingly not uncomfortably so. You were still feeling tremendously unsafe with his scarily cold hands under your legs and around your back. Yet, at the same time you were sure you would actually notice should the alien-god plan anything crooked, all the while keeping tabs on his emotions.
But still, apart from pain and terror—and perhaps a teeny tiny bit of annoyance there was nothing.

"Thor, do I have to hold—"

"Yes, Loki," the blond interjected without looking at him and you would have almost felt offended at the princeling's words—if you hadn't rather been in Thor's arms as well that is, "Unless you want to be the one to talk to Father instead."

At that Loki fell quiet, almost eerily so as he stopped complaining and simply walked behind at a small distance, Thor walking at the front with the handle of his hammer placed tightly in his fierce grip. The blond seemed to be rather deep in thought, most likely occupied with getting prepared to hold a conversation with their father.
—The King?
Oh wait! Not just two Alien-Gods escorting you, but rather two Alien-God-Princes?
That realization hit much later than you would have ever thought possible.

The Alien part as well as the God part were much more groundbreaking than your exhausted mind gave them credit for, that was for sure. To your defense, your mind had probably simply not managed to actually wrap itself around the fact that two hotly debated theories were proven real right in front of your very eyes.
In stark contrast was the concept of royalty; something you knew existed, accepted the existence of and treated like an everyday existing thing. Which also meant that you knew what it basically meant to be around royalty, all the etiquette and strictly dictated behavior—Many rules you felt you had not followed so far.

Manipulation of Memories and Minds // (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now