Chapter One

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Beyond the cold, firm glass of the car window laid lush, viridescent grass with the crisp, clean backdrop of a cloudless sky. A small, thin river cut through the grass in a pretty line. Shinji had to break his concentration on the view when Misato started speaking to him.

"Are you excited for camp?" Misato asked. Shinji looked over to her and nodded. "Yeah, from what i've heard, it sounds pretty okay." He smiles shyly. "That's good!" Misato grins. Shinji returns to staring out the window until they arrive at the camp, well.. more of a recreation center. Misato pulls into a parking spot and unlocks the car. Shinji steps out and brings his bags with him. Misato picks up a folder from beside her and walks over to shinji. They walk together to the camp check-in. Shinji glances at the folder in Misato's hand. What is that?, he thinks. Misato sees him staring and hides the folder behind her back. Shinji raises an eyebrow and looks away, sighing.

They enter the building and Misato hands a staff member the folder. They quickly flip through it and look at shinji. "Welcome, Ikari Shinji-kun. Please follow me to your group room," The worker smiles. Shinji waves goodbye to Misato and follows the worker. They lead him down an off-white hallway to a door. "This is group H1's room. Starting today, this will be your group. We hope you like it here." They smile and open the door. Shinji walks in and the worker closes the door behind him.

Shinji looks around for a moment and then places his things with everyone else's. He looks around again and sits down. Suddenly, two girls his age run over two him. "Hey! Are you new??" One of the girls blurts out. "Ah, yeah... I'm Shinji.." He smiles awkwardly. The girls grin and the second one shouts "I'm Chiharu! My friend here is Yua!" Yua waves. Shinji smiles again again and the three talk for half an hour until a woman walks in. She looks at Shinji and bends down. "Hello, i'm Chikafuji Emiko. It's nice to meet you, Ikari-kun." Emiko smiles. "Ah, how do you know my name..?" Shinji wonders. "Oh, i'm this group's counselor! I have to know your names." She laughs a little and sits in a chair in the front corner of the room.

"Everyone, we have someone new in here so i'd like you to introduce yourselves. Makoto, we'll have you go first." Emiko exclaims. A boy with shaggy black hair stands up. "I'm Makoto, nice to meet ya. Yori, you go." Makoto sits down. A boy with choppy brown hair stands up and stretches. "Hey, i'm Yori. I hope we get along. Yua, your turn," Yori sits down. "Huh?? Chiharu and I already introduced ourselves to him today! How about Kaworu?" Yua whines. A boy with fluffy, silver hair and ruby colored eyes stands up and looks at Shinji with soft eyes. "My name is Nagisa Kaworu. Pleased to meet you, I hope you enjoy your time here." He smiles and sits down. Shinji hesitantly stands up and sighs. "Um.. I'm Ikari Shinji. It's nice to meet you all." He sits down and buries his face in his knees.

A few minutes later, he suddenly feels a tap on his shoulder. He lifts his head to find Kaworu looking down at him. "Are you alright?" Kaworu asks softly in a concerned tone. "Oh.. Yeah, just... Tired," Shinji smiles. "Would you like for me to sit with you?" Kaworu asks, interested in talking to Shinji. "Yeah, that sounds nice." Shinji smiles timidly. Kaworu smiles and sits down next to Shinji. "So, why are you at this camp?" Kaworu asks. "Ah.. i'm not even sure, miss Misato just signed me up.. what even is this camp..?" Shinji asks. Kaworu smiles a little. "It's mostly a normal camp but it has therapeutic properties and such for us who're going through a troubling time or suffered something very traumatic in their younger years. It's essentially a getaway for people like you and I," Kaworu explains. Shinji sighs. "Oh.. Now I see why she signed me up.." Shinji smiles. "Hey, now, don't feel bad about being here.. Everyone in this group is here to support each other. That's why we're together in this group after all, we've all been through similar things. We're here to help you, and now that I feel like i know you a bit better already, i'd love to help you." Kaworu smiles. Shinji smiles shyly and opens his mouth to speak but is quickly interrupted by Emiko. "Guys, please take out your sleeping things. Time has passed quite a bit and I think it's time y'all should rest." Emiko yawns. Everyone sets up their sleeping bags, blankets, or pillows and gets into some more comfortable clothes to sleep in. Shinji slides under his blankets and situates himself. He looks over to his left to find Kaworu laying right next to him. Kaworu turns and smiles to which Shinji blushes and rolls over. Emiko shuts the lights off and the room goes silent. Kaworu gives Shinji a quick goodnight and they both fall asleep.

hello :) if you've read this far, thank you!! it may not be very good but it is my first try so please be patient with me!! thank you, i'll try to upload the next chapter as soon as possible! -knives

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