Chapter 13

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Mattia POV

I hum 'No Idea' under my breath as I had back down stairs to my babie. But, when I see him my heart drops. He's staring at his phone, eyes wide, face pale, slightly shaking. I rush up to him, highly concerned and frightened.

"What's wrong baby boy?" I scurry to his side, placing my hand on his shoulders. He looks up at me, tears in his eyes. Fuck, what happened? He then looks back at his phone. That's when I notice a video of Kairi giving his drunken speech on a table from yesterday, playing over and over again on tiktok. Shit, I didn't want him to face that yet. The video ends-- and then replays. The caption shining says 'Ew..?'. Fuck, fuck, what do I do?

"Kairi..." I slide next to him and pull him into a hug. I rub his back soothingly- hopefully helping, before picking him up and placing him on my lap, his legs on either side of my waist as he looks down at my chest, then to the side where his phone is sitting, then back at me.

"It's gonna be okay baby, everything will be alright. You'll get through this. We'll get through this," I try assuring him but I don't think it works as he lets out a small sob, leaning forward, wrapping his arms around me and digging his face into my chest. Fuck, I hate seeing him like this. I kiss the top of his head, softly. I wrap my arms around him, sit back and squeeze him closer to me- giving him a soft bear hug. His favorite.

"F-fuck, Mattia. Their gonna hate me. Everyones going to fucking hate me, Matti," Kairi says, breaking sown into tears, "the- they'll be mean a-and never wanna see me again," he continues, making his voice sore. I feel hopeless, sitting here rubbing his back. I don't like seeing him like this but I don't know how to make him stop hurting. At the same time maybe it's healthy for him to let it out. So I sit here and listen to his worries- it breaks my heart but I need to be here for him. So, I just kiss his head and run my hands over his back to try and keep him calm. Kairis tears eventually die down and I cup his face, forcing him to look at me as I look him straight (gay) in the eye.

"It's okay that people know. Let them know. It's okay to be gay. Everyone still loves you and frankly whoever doesn't does not deserve your love or the privilege of having you in their lives. You're amazing, Kai," I wipe his tears off with my thumb, "'I'll be here for you, baby. Through everything. I got chu. I promise," My voice is calm as I take his hands in mines, kissing them and then squeezing them. He nods his head slowly, his frown slowly turning into a small smile. Fuck, he's so precious. I bring his face near mine and kiss his cheeks and under his eyes. He closes his eyes and scoots closer to me before leaning into a kiss. I kiss him back- the fireworks starting all over again as he places his small hands on my chest and we move our lips together. He suddenly pulls back, narrowing his eyes at me. Uhh.

"What are we..?" he whispers. I honestly don't know. I want him to be my... you know... boyfriend. But what if he was thinking of something else and I just read too much into it.

"Uhm... What do you want us to be?" I ask and I swear he stares at me for a whole minute before blurting 'uh's and 'uhm's out shyly.

"I mean... I uhh..." I raise my eyebrows softly, urging him to continue.

"I want to be yours..." what? Did I hear that right?? My eyes widen as I look at him. No way, I must've heard his small voice wrong. He pulls his hands away and pushes me lightly.

"Don't look at me like that! If you don't want that just say so..." I shake my head rapidly at this and ask him to repeat himself to which he blushes and smacks me again.

"I.. I said.. I want to uhm... be yours, Mattia," his word are shy but stern as he glares at me slightly 'cause I didn't believe him the first time. I still think my ears are on crack but I go with it. I take his hand and rub the back of it with my thumb as he looks at me, obviously anxious. This is it boys, it's time.

"Kairi, Will you be my boyfriend?" the smaller boy squeals, jumping forward on to me chest and hugging me tightly, suffocating me slightly. I laugh and hug him back, resting my chin on his head and sighing in content. This is by far the best day of my existence- no cap. Wait, he hasn't even responded. I wiggle under him.

"Kairiiiiiiiiiii answer!"

"Yes, ya dip shit," he says, biting my shoulder. I let out a fake moan and he slaps me.

"I'm so happy you wanted to be mines. I didn't want us to be a fling after all that," he mumbles.

"Babe, now you're my boo, I'll always be here for you- and thats on bars,"

<3 <3

Fuck, I'm so happy with Kairi in my arms, his lips on mines, his hands in my hair. It's perfect. My boyfriend is perfect. We're perfect together.


A short one?? They together now yayyy!!!!!!! I feel like I rushed this. tell me if u think so ill fix it fo sho

Guys, I kinda feel bad for Mattia with all the I miss the old me bs. :c. I hope yous enjoyed!!! Love yous!


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