Chapter 21

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I'm so sorry the beginning is so awkward.

Kairi POV

I head to 2nd period tired as fuck. The lack of sleep is finally catching up to me. As I enter pre-calc I see some guy I've never seen before sitting in my seat. He must be the new kid. Sighing, I walk over to him and tap his shoulder.

"Hey... That's my assigned seat," I say, scratching the back of my head. (Manz got fleas ~ Alvaro).

"Oh shit," he stands up and daps me up. "Sorry, man, didn't know there were assigned seats," I smile, he does have the accent.

"It's fine, bru. You're the new kid, right?" He laughs sheepishly.

"Yeah. I'm Antonio but most people jus call me Mig,"

"Kairi. Why Mig tho?"

"It's my middle name, Miguel," ooh. (My bitchass dog~ Ale)

"Makes sense," I say sitting down on my desk. We talk for a little and the man is pretty chill, not gon lie. The teacher tells him to sit behind me so he does so. We talk the whole period, pissing the teach off, and I invite him to sit with me and the boys at lunch. On the way to the next class I find out we don't have any other classes together before girls bombard him for his number or whatever. Chicks really like accents, huh? Man, I'm glad I like men too.

*Lunch Time*

Me and Mig laugh at some dumb shit he said as we head to the cafetaria. I had to go to his class to get him even though I usually walk with Mattia. He wasn't mad though when I texted him about it, so I guess it's fine. When we reach I jog to our table and plop on Mattia's lap. He giggles.

"Hi, baby boy," He says softly, grabbing my face. My heart swells at the nickname. It hits different when my Matti says baby boy. He leans in to kiss but stops and furrows his eyebrows, almost angrily at something. I look past my shoulder to see Mig standing there with his hands in his pockets, awkwardly.

"Oh, guys! This is Antonio. He new n shit," I tell the boys.

"Hey..." this kid awkward smh.

"This is Alejandro, Alvaro, Robert and Roshaun," I point to the boys with a smile. They respond with different varieties of hello and seem to welcome him to the group. Roshaun of course is excited another black person is at our table even if he's light skin. Weirdo. He sits down and I lean to the side to show Mattia.

"This is my boo, M-" Mig cuts me off.

"Mattia..." How does he know his name? I look back at Mattia. He looks pissed. Wtf? Mattia plasters a fake smile on his face.

"Do you guys know each other?" Robert asks, most likely feeling the tension as well.

"Y-" Mig starts but is interrupted by Mattia.

"Not that I know of. You must know me from Tiktok, right, Miguel?" Ant hasn't even told them his middle name though. Why the fuck is Mattia capping? Mig furrows his eyebrows and bites his lips in confusion. What the actual fuck is going on? I breathe in and out. I trust my boyfriend. He'll tell me later, for sure.

"Yeah..." Mig half-heartedly confirms. They aren't the best liars. Our section gets called up so we all stand up and head to the front of the cafetaria to get food. I reach back to hold my boyfriend's hand but he's not there. When I look back I see him dragging Antonio to the hall. I should let them talk... right? I'll ask Mattia about it later. I heave in a breath before grabbing a tray.

Mattia POV

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" I basically yell at Miguel. He takes a step back and yanks his arm from my grip. I'm nothing but mad.

"My dad got a job opportunity here. What the fucks YOUR problem, Mattia?" I shake my head at him before looking at the ground.

"I never wanted to see you again," I glare at him.

"Well I'm here now, can't do anything about it. Why can't we just move on from the past? It's not that big of a deal. You were confused... and still seem to be," Fucking asshole. All I want to do is spit in his face.

"The big deal is that you made me feel like absolute shit for being attracted to you. You made me feel as if I'm disgusting and should kill myself. You told me those things all the time before you completely cut me off. You're obviously the same way. I was and am not confused. And, for your information I'm very much in love with my BOYfriend,"

"Bro, stop capping. You're not fucking gay. That shits disgusting. I refuse to believe I slept in a gay guys room,"

"Oh, shut the fuck up, Miguel. Stay away from me and my friends..." I start to walk back to the cafe.

"Stop being such a pussy. Oh I forgot you're gay, that don't interest you," Is he kidding? What is this dude? 2? I turn around and cross my arms.

"I'm bi," He laughs sarcastically.

"Those don't exist. You either want straight priviledge or you just wanna have sex with everyone."

"You're actually a dumb fuck. Why did I like you..?" I cringe.

"I'm hot. And at least I'm not a fag," I'm trying so hard right now to not beat the shit out of him.

"You're kind of a slut," what even?

"Yeah, like you even resulted to fucking guys," Why am I still listening to this uneducated asshole?

"Fruit fairy," He laughs. I start to walk away.

"I bet that little fag ass twink in there likes getting the shit fucked out of him," He says sternly. No one fucking disrespect Kairi. I shove him to the wall and wrap my hand around his neck.

"You're boyfriends a fag and you two deserve to be k-killed," He chokes out, his face growing red. He spits at me. This little bitch. Just as I swing to throw a punch at him someone pushes me to the floor. I look up to see Kairi and the scowl instantly becomes a frown. I don't like him seeing me like this, all pissed and sweaty. Shit, he's definitely gon ask me about me and Miguel now. He looks mad and... disappointed.

"What the FUCK is going on!?"


Ant was mentioned in CHAPTER 14 btw. His name and appearance is from one of my friends who wanted to be in my story lmao. He obviously doesn't think like this tho.

I love yous soooooooooooooo much! Kithes

XoxO, k

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