Q n A

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I'm so excited for this idk y


When's the wedding ( @gayformattia )

-> Whenever Kai's ready, cause I ain't marrying no one else.

Protect Kairi ok ( @Bae_Heeyoung )

-> Always will.

How are you gonna make Kairi feel as appreciated as possible ( @elizabethxari )

-> Giving him the world little by little... shit that's so corny lmfao but my baby deserves everything.

what would you do if someone hurt Kairi and can you start calling him Mamas that would be cute ( @Shady_Kiki )

-> I would beat the shit out of anyone who hurt Kai, idgaf. N that's a good idea, Imma have to see how bubs reacts to mamas.


Who's the top and who's the bottom ( @sonohead42069 )

-> ... I thought this was obvious. Matti tops *😳* I can be a dom sometimes doe... * 👉👈*

How you gonna make Mattia feel as appreciated as possible ( @elizabethxari )

-> giving him head.

Mairi/ Kattia

What do you want or see in the future? ( @mairisecret- )

M-> Me and Kai living together with stable jobs and happiness. Maybe we could adopt a d-

K-> kid.

M-> a goat?

K-> a hooman child, Mattia.

M-> What about a doggo?

K-> I want both.

M-> o-0h oki.

Yall plan on having children?? ( @slattbrat )

K-> yeth

M-> *nods hesitantly*

Can y'all adopt me plssssss? ( @d1drivera )

K-> No, you read our porn.

M-> *wheezes*

Adopt me y'all, I have the papers and everything ( @prokoii )

M-> You know too much about our smex.

K-> *cringes*

So when yall planning on... yano 👀 ( @elizabethxari )

K-> huh?

M-> wym?

So you finna adopt me or what ( @Shady_Kiki )

K-> Nah, you already got an attitude smh.

M-> whatever boo bear says.

K-> *cringes* boobear?

So when u guys gonna get married and adopt kids or whateva 👀 ( @oof_daddy05 )

K-> Married in like 6 years... kids in like 11 maybe.

M-> You planned this out, huh?


You able to deep throat? Asking for a friends- ( @prokoii )

-> Ofc I'm able to deep throat, why would you doubt me? Shaking my fucking head. I'll only do it for Ale doe, tell your friend to f off, muah.


How much do you love Alvaro ???? ( @mairisecret- )
-> A whole bunch. Wanna marry that twink.


Can I come to your wedding ( @mairiandalevaro )

Alv-> no.

Ale-> yes.


Hey babyyyy ( @prokoii )

-> Hey


This is not a question this is a threat: Break roshaun's heart and I will curb stomp you. Anyways love you :) ❤ ( @mairisecret- )

-> I would never hurt him. I love him tm 💜 love u too.

Imma steal you man sis ✨👉🏾👈🏾 ( @prokoii )

-> you wish you could, sis.


One question: How well can you take damage..? Like how long can you last? ( @mairissecret- )

-> Try me.

Mr. y Mrs. Cosentinos

Not even a question y'all some good parents ( @Shady_Kiki )

Mrs.-> Thank youu

Mr.-> thank you, kiddo.

Mrs. y Mr. Polibio

How would you react if your other son was gay? ( @mairisecret- )

Mrs.-> What do you mean other son?

Mr.-> They know Mattia so they probably mean Gianluca, amore

Mrs.-> We'd accept him of course.

Mr.-> right. At least Mattia will give us grandbabies.

(~ they don't know Mattia is bi.)

Why do you let your child act the way he does...? ( @-babyboymatti- )

Mr.-> Mattia is old enough to know how to act.

Mrs.-> Don't say anything bad about my baby, please.

(I imagine his ma being protective)

Antonio Miguel sumn ... this is his acc response.

So like... u still a bitch? ( @hammahdolos )

-> No, your mother.

I showed him some of the comments and this is his response. (me)

-> I'll cough on em (someone told him to get corona)

-> Nd gays are the only bitches

(He obv not actually homophobic, I wouldn't be my friend if he was. He also got mad cause I made him like that)


Das it. Luh yous 

XoxO, k

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