Chapter Sixteen

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I scooted to Diversity's throne and tilted my head to the side. "Diversity. Your fingertips—"

"Ada, you and your friend Mary Sue should enjoy the party," Diversity cut in. "If I did not want you to have any fun, I would not have invited you."

"That is nice of you, but you should know—"

She interrupted me again. "Go on, Ada. You and Mary Sue. It beats having to stand still and do absolutely nothing."

Mary Sue must have overheard our conversation because she said, "What about you, Diversity? It stinks to be sitting on that cold throne."

"I agree, however, I have to. How else will I be able to watch over the party?"

"Duh. By joining in on it."

"Then I would get distracted. I cannot have another party guest killed like last year."

I squinted at her. "What? Whoa!"

Diversity pushed me, and I stumbled. Mary Sue caught me before I plunged to the glass floor and squeezed my arm. She jumped up and down.

"Ooh! What should we do, Ada? Dance? Eat? Drink?"

"If your definition of drinking is what I am thinking, I can skip the drinks." My stomach growled, and I giggled nervously and patted my belly.

A creepy grin spread across Mary Sue's face.

"Uh, Mary Sue? You are freaking me out."

"Really? My bad." She walked to the long table where the refreshments were. "My craziness must be showing!"

"Your what? Ugh. Forget it."

I lifted my dress, my new heels peeking out, and followed my used-to-be friend. We gazed at the food and drink options and decided what to chow down on.

"I am having a donut with sprinkles," Mary Sue announced. "Apple juice? Do not mind if I do."

"Hmm. No pancakes or spaghetti. No sandwiches of any kind or apples."

"Speaking of apples, how about a slice of apple pie?" She picked up a plate with an apple pie slice. "Unless you are sick of apples, which I totally understand."

"I am sick to death of apples, but I am sure that pies taste different - and better - than them."

I carefully took the plate from her and got a fork. I cut off a small piece of the pie and put it in my mouth. I did not have to chew for long because the piece melted in my mouth, and the best part was that it did not aggravate my tastebuds.

I quickly swallowed. "Oh my gosh. This is the tastiest pie that I have ever eaten!"

"Well, it is the first pie that you have tasted," Mary Sue reminded me. "How does it taste?"

"Anything but slices of apples. I mean, I can taste the apples, but they are super sweet."

"Do you think that anyone will like apple pie?"

"Like it? They will love it! Even the people who do not like apples."

"Good to know. I will have to ask Diversity how the pie is made."

I shoved another piece in my mouth. "Why?"

"So I can make one."

"That would be great."

"And feed it to the real worlders after tampering with it."

My skin grew pale. " not great." I picked up a napkin and wiped my lips. "I am going on the balcony for a bit."

"Alright. I will come with you."

"No, no. I want to be alone. But you know what you could do in the meantime?"

"Trying to figure out why we were invited when we are not villains?"

"You are not villains?" a low voice belonging to a male questioned us.

The villains came to a halt at what they were doing and circled around me and Mary Sue. Some were confused. Others were angry.

"Why are you here if you are not qualified villains?" a villain demanded.

Mary Sue stormed up to him and stood on her tiptoes. "My friend and I are Forlot characters. Forlot characters are always qualified because we have two things that most people lack."

"What is that?"

"God and class." She poked his nose. "Now, leave me and my best friend be. Or else."

"Or else what?" another villain challenged. "What could a weak girl and a hot chick do that would harm all of us?"

"Hot chick?"

"He is talking about me," I said, feeling insulted.

"The hot chick can stay," a female villain stated.

"Agreed," a fourth villain piped in. "She will just have to take her clothes and—ah!"

The villain fell back and had a bloody nose. And it was all thanks to me.

"Wow, Ada!" Mary Sue exclaimed. "Never knew that you had it in you."

My stomach heaved up and down, and I did not take my eyes off the villain. My eyes softened, and I glanced at my hand that was clenched in a fist. As I expected, there was blood on my skin. Small splats of red.

I regretted what I had done. I hid my hand in the other and kept wishing that I could take it back.

Mary Sue reached for me. "Ada?"

I smacked her hand by accident and gasped. "Mary Sue..."

" we should leave the party, Ada."


I do not know why I said that or did what I did next, but I stumbled from the ballroom and onto the balcony. I shut the pair of doors and laid my arms on the top rail. I rested my head on my arms and was quiet as a bird. That is, if birds are ever quiet.

While we are on the subject on birds, I was visited by a big bird that night.

I felt somebody messing with my hair and thought that it was Mary Sue.

"Mary Sue, stop it." I stood up straight. "Mary Sue..."

Perched on the top rail was a beautiful, black crow. It was very close to me and did not seem scared.

"Uh...hello. Were you playing with my hair?"

The crow opened his mouth and said, "Ada."

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