Drinks and bar fights

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As Dean and Cas made there way into the bar it looked like any other hole in the wall Dean has stumbled into before but something felt off about this place. He made his was to a booth in the far back and sat down facing the door. Cas sat across from him. Dean eyed up the place noticing how empty it was for a Friday night. After he felt like he seen everything there was to see he left Cas in the booth as he made his way to the bar to grab drinks.

Once at the bar he sat down in a stool and waited for the bartender to come over. The three guys that sat together at he bar were looking at Dean oddly and he noticed immediately. He let it go and drummed his fingers on the bar top. He started to feel like the guys were talking about him but couldn't make out what they were saying. He was relieved when the bartender came over and quickly handed him want he wanted to order. He made his way back to Cas with a tray full of beers and some shots.

"Really Dean. Thats a lot." Cas said eyeing what Dean was putting on the table for him.

"Yeah well I didn't want to have to get back up anytime soon." Dean replied.

"Are you okay?" Cas asked after he took a swig of beer.

"Yeah this place just feels off." Dean shrugged downing a shot.

"Those men at the bar were looking at you like they knew you." Cas nodded to the guys Dean took notice of before.

"Son of a bitch I thought I was just being paranoid."

"Do you know them?"

"No fucking clue who they are Cas." As Dean downed another shot one of the said guys walked over to him.

"Hey uh, I was wondering if I could make a deal. I know it's normally a human thing but you could do it for me to right?" The guy asked Dean directly.

"I'm sorry what?" Dean asked having no idea what the guy was talking about.

"Your a demon you guys make deals right?" Dean was shocked.

"How-" Before Dean could finish the guy cut him off.

"We vamps can smell when demons are around." The guy stated looking proud of himself.

"If you can smell demons can you smell angels to then right?" Dean nodded at Cas. When the guy looked over at him Cas's eyes glowed blue.

"Fuck." The vampire booked it to his other two friends.

"Looked like we found our vamps." Dean said jumping out of his seat Cas close on his heels.

Dean punched the vamp that had talked to him square in the nose. The entire bar broke out into a fight. One of the bigger vamps picked up a barstool and chucked it at Dean and Cas causing them to fall to the floor. By the time they got up all three vampires were out the door. Dean quickly followed them while Cas managed to pop right up in there path. Cas stabbed the one closest to him with his angel blade ending the miserable creatures life. Dean came running and tackled the one in the back of the group. The third tried to take off but Cas had caught him and pinned him to the wall of the building. After dean killed the vamp under him he went over to Cas and the trapped vampire.

"How many more of you are there." Dean growled at the squirming vampire.

"Fuck you." The vampire spat in Dean's face.

"That's it." Dean ripped the vamp from Cas's grip and lifted him up the wall by his throat.

"You don't scare me." He hissed out.

"I should." Dean said as he flashed his black eyes at him. The vampire gulped so hard Dean could feel it with the hand he had wrapped around his throat.

"It was just the three of us." Fear filled his eyes. Dean looked to Cas to see if the vampire was lying and Cas nodded at him. Satisfied with the answer Dean killed him.

"Let's clean this up before someone sees." Dean groaned. After cleaning up the mess they went back to the motel.

The ride back was silent. Neither one of them talked and Dean didn't bother putting music on. Normally long drawn out silence bothered him but it didn't with Cas. The silence between them felt peaceful. He could never sit with Sam like this for to long he always had to start talking or put some music on. The only time him and Sam would be in quite like this is if they were fighting with each other or sleeping.

Dean had put baby in park in the same spot they had left from the motel. Before he got out Cas stopped him.

"I know you don't like sharing your feelings much Dean, but if you ever want to talk I'm here." Cas said.

"Thanks buddy." Dean smiled for the first time tonight and got out of the car.

"What the hell happens to you guys?" Sam asked as he jumped up in shock when he looked at his brother and friend. Dean and Cas were covered in blood and Dean had pieces of the broken bar stool stuck in his hair. On closer inspection Cas had glass in his hair probaly from a broken beer bottle.

"We got in a bar fight with the vamps we came to gank. Took care of it the case is over." Dean was still a bit pissed at Sam.

"Dean I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said." Sam sounded genuine but Dean didn't want to hear it right now. Without replying to his brother Dean went into the bathroom for a shower. When Dean came back into the bedroom Sam was gone.

"Sam said he wanted to stay in town a few more days to make sure they were the only vamps. He said he was going to get a different room and we should go back to the bunker in the morning he can handle it on his own." It almost looked like Cas was blushing as he looked at Dean.

"Okay." Was all Dean said as he walked to his duffle to find a clean shirt. He had come out of the bathroom fully clothed expect for a shirt. He forgot to bring one in with him.

"You gonna angel yourself clean or you want to get a shower?" Dean asked as he plopped down on his bed.

"A shower does kind of sound nice." Cas had recently started to become more interested in human things.

"Here." Dean looked around in his bag and when he found what he wanted he tossed it over to Cas. He had given him one of his ACDC T-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants.

"Thank you Dean." Cas said and made his way to the shower.

When he came out Dean was lounging on his bed watching TV. Cas looked at Sam's bed but it was a mess with papers and files from the case. So he decided to sit next to Dean. Dean didn't say anything to him as he made himself comfortable next to him so he figured it was ok. After an hour of watching tv dean had passed out. Despite not needing sleep the past few months Cas had found himself liking to when he was out on cases with the boys. Not long after Dean was out cold Cas he soonly followed. At some point in the night they both had sunk down in the bed and Cas's head was resting on Dean's chest. A bit later in his sleep Dean protectively wrapped an arm around Cas.

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