Chapter 22: Labyrinth

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(A/N): Elizabeth has a terrifying dream. Elizabeth introduces Damon to a cult classic movie. F.I.R.E. has band practice with new songs.

I was running in slow motion, it seemed like. Andrew was just behind me, though I only knew it was him because....well, I don't really know how, but I just knew. He was a silhouette in the darkness.

I looked over my shoulder to judge the distance between us and tripped over my own foot. Oh, shit! I held my hands out in front of me, gasping, but I landed straight on my face. Spitting out dirt, I looked up to see a shadow looming over me. I began to scream, expecting the fatal blow to come upon me.

But instead, a hand reached for mine. I saw the familiar, odd ring with the lapis lazuli stone and took the hand immediately. I was wrapped in his arms, being shielded away from Andrew. Somewhere---in my confused mind---So Far Away, by Stained, was being played instrumentally. Of course, being a dream, no one cared.

I felt so safe in Damon's arms; safer than I'd felt in a long time. It started to scare me, though. I squirmed from his grasp. He was yelling at me, telling me to come back, look behind, watch out. When I turned around, there stood Andrew, with a stupid smirk on his face. I saw the red of my own blood in my eyes and heard the angry cry of Damon and the evil laughter of Andrew.

I bolted upright in bed, sweat soaking through my clothes. Stained was playing on my radio, which brought back the drama and horror of the dream. Wow, way to ruin a great song, Liz.

The buzzing of my cell phone on the nightstand---I had bought a new one since throwing the old one against the wall---made me jump out of my skin. I checked the number, expecting it to be Andrew. I almost smiled, though.

"Hey," I said, trying not to sound like I was smiling.

"Morning, sunshine. Look out your window."

I didn't bother putting a sweater on---even though I was wearing a spaghetti strap and boxers. When I looked out my bedroom window, Damon was standing in my front lawn with a stupid look on his face. I couldn't help but laugh. "What're you doing?"

"Standing in the middle of your yard, what's it look like?"

I put my elbows on the windowpane, smiling. "You're ridiculous."

"Not as ridiculous as that new hair cut."

Wow, he noticed my hair. Then again, it was hard not to notice the too short---for me, anyway---hair cut. I pretended to be put out. "Aw, you don't like it?"
"Not really."

"Why do guys always like long hair?"

Damon shrugged. "I don't know, but I'm not digging this short hair thing."

"Get used to it, my hair grows back slow," I lied. My hair grew like weeds, which was mainly why I cut it so short. "Anything in particular you---" someone was trying to call in. I checked the number, Ashley. Ugh, I'd better get that. "Hold on a sec, Damon, important call waiting."

"She says this as if I'm not important," he mumbled.

I laughed, switching to the other end. "Yeah?"

"Hey, Liz," Ashley said. Wow, she sounded tired. "Abby's been throwing up all day, and not just from the alcohol last night. We're gonna have practice on Monday, but could you get another playlist for us?"

"Sure. What time is practice?" Already, I was pretty sure of what to pick.

"After school."

"Alright, see you then. And tell Abby I hope she feels better."

Ashley sighed. "Okay, I will. See ya."

I clicked back over to Damon. He had no idea I had clicked back in and I could hear him humming The Kill. I smiled. Well, if he hummed that good, I wondered how he sang. "I didn't take you for a Thirty Seconds to Mars fan," I said finally.

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