Chapter 6: Prom Night; I Would Have Rathered the Scenario from the Movie

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And we made an entrance.

I was less sweaty, thank God. It wasn't so much of an entrance that made people turn heads. It was the fact that Damon was standing beside me. Every girl I saw glared at me in pure hatred. I didn't know whether to be smug or feel shameful about the entire thing.

Damon knew, though. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into him. I tried shoving him away vainly. It was making me extremely uncomfortable.

"Knock it off," I hissed.

"Why?" Damon smirked playfully.

My face heated up with rage and embarrassment. "Stop!"

Damon ignored me and I couldn't push him away.

Giving up, I put on my pouty face and began sulking.

Damon laughed, whispering in my ear, "That won't get you anywhere."

I ignored him. My eyes automatically scanned the small ballroom and I gasped when I saw Greta. She looked stunning in a fitting red dress with black gloves that covered even her elbows. It was a good, classic fit for her and her hair match went along great. She was so elegant it killed me. I wondered what exactly Isabelle was thinking....

I started toward them. Damon wouldn't budge. "C'mon," I hissed through my teeth.

He smirked. "A little bossy, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes and nodded toward Isabelle and Greta. "I'm going over to my friends."

He raised a brow. "You are?"


Damon grinned mischievously. "Good luck with that."

I was really losing my patience with this jerk. "C'mon, Damon. Why can't you be a nice date like every other girls?"

Damon raised a brow, smirking. "Oh, so you admit I'm your date?"

Despite myself, I felt my cheeks going red. Of course, I made myself scowl to cover the blush, though. "If I answer that, can we go see my friends?"

"Can you dance?"

"Excuse me?" I was a little caught off guard by the question, not taking Damon as one who asked random questions.

"Can. You. Dance?" he said slowly, as though speaking to a four year old.

Again, I was completely dumbfounded. "Uh...I...guess...Why?"

Now Damon looked at me as though I was the stupidest person on the planet. The strained giggles around us told me that everyone else thought the same. Great, just what I wanted. A bunch of people who hate me---but love Damon, er...girls, anyway---watching my every move. This was just great.

But instead of a sly remark, Damon said, "Then dance with me." I understood. No wonder everyone thought I was brainless. The most gorgeous guy in school had pulled a line to get me to dance with him. I wasn't used to the attention, so how could I have known what to look for? I figured Damon taking me to prom in itself was a joke. Maybe dancing with him was.

", I don't think---"

Damon pulled my wrist gently to the dance floor. "C'mon, loosen up. I won't bite."
Somehow he got a real kick out of saying that last sentence because his dark eyes lit with unknown amusement. "Really, I don't dance---"

"You just said you could," Damon chuckled, pulling me into him and grabbing my waist lightly.
I was blushing madly. "Sure, I can, but I don't. Not in front of anyone."

He smirked wolfishly. "What a better way to break that record."

I groaned inwardly, dragging my feet against the ground, my heels hissing against the marble floor in protest.

"Oh, come on, I'm not that horrible."

I was watching my feet move, making sure I didn't trip or something. "Hmm..."

"Tons of girls would love to be in your position."

That made my head snap up to meet his eyes. "Well, I'm not one of those girls!"

He just smirked wider. "I know, otherwise I probably wouldn't be spending so much time on you."

Oh, this douche..."Well, you can stop now. Go play with one of the popular girls."

"No, I've learned my lesson with the popular ones."

Somehow I didn't quite think he had. "Oh, sure, you and---" I gasped mid-sentence, tripping over my own heel after someone rudely bumped into my shoulder.

Damon, however, broke my embarrassing fall, holding onto me a little too tightly. I looked up into his eyes and my heart sped up. He really was gorgeous.....Maybe jerky, but witty.....And he was wasting his time on me.....Maybe I should appreciate that instead of being so jerky myself about it....

As I was thinking all these things, Damon's face was growing closer to mine. Too close, his lips almost touching mine. And did I care? If I just leaned in and close my eyes.....

Oh God no! My head jerked back and I squirmed out of Damon's grip, breathing hard. He looked surprised for a second but then regained his usual arrogance. "Maybe next time then," he said loud enough for me to hear but quiet enough so onlookers couldn't.

I blinked once, speechless. Then I fled toward Greta and Isabelle. Greta was already on her way over to me, trying to look serious, but just managing to hide a grin. "What happened? I looked over and you were kissing!"

I clenched my fists. "We did not kiss!" I said a little too loudly.

"Okay, okay, calm down," Greta wasn't smirking anymore. "What happened?"

"Someone shoved me.... I tripped and he caught me and I started thinking and I got all mixed up in that and he started....and I started.....and then....gah! Just take me home! Please Greta. I just wanna go home."

Greta glanced over her shoulder at Isabelle. Of course, I forgot about her..."Okay," Greta said quietly. "Let me grab my purse."

I shook my head. "No, it's okay. I'm fine. Just'm gonna go to the bathroom."
Greta looked suspicious. "Lizzy, you'd tell me if you were leaving, wouldn't you?"

"Yeah, sure. I just gotta go." Before she could say more, I fled out the door. I must have hit the elevator button a million times, not waiting for Greta to come stop me---or to lose my nerve.
"So you'd risk the elevator to get away from me?"

I spun around, my heart rate kicking up speed. "Yeah, or the other danger, right?" Finally, the stupid door opened and I rushed inside.

Damon stopped the door from shutting. "Come back in."

I shook my head.

Damon's eyes narrowed, though he was smirking, and he looked directly into my eyes. "Just come back in, have a drink, dance a little...It'll be fine."

I shook my head once more. "No, Damon, I'm going home. I didn't want to come here in the first place so I am leaving."

"And how do you plan on getting home?"

"There are cabs."

"Not very nice ones."

I shrugged. "Oh well, I get what I get."

Damon sighed, seemingly frustrated. Good, the bastard. He deserved to be miffed.

"So...can you let go of the door?" Before I completely freak out and run from the elevator, I wanted to add.

Damon smirked. "Losing your nerve?"

"No," I bit my lip.

He laughed slightly. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you later," he let go of the door. His face turned serious. "Unless, of course, the elevator breaks down somewhere on the twenty second floor."
"Damon, you---" I would have proceeded to swear at him, but the elevator door shut. Then it began going down. I clutched the rails until my knuckles were white. Oh, God, I should have just taken the stairs. After all, Damon already knew my dark secret and I hadn't escaped him after all. What if the elevator did break down.....

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