Chapter 12: When You're Drunk

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I smiled at the crowd, completely full of myself. What had I been worried about? I was fantastic! While I was felling all giddy inside, a face appeared in the crowd, one I had been dreading.

Damon Salvatore smirked at me, his black eyes glistening with mischief.

The curtain closed, blocking out the entire crowd. Abby ran over first, giving me a tight hug. "You did great!" she squealed.

Ashley was the second to come over, followed by Ethan and Benjamin, who joined in the group hug of congratulating me. I laughed, telling them they did great too.

"Well, now that the gig's over, we need to pack up our stuff 'fore the next band gets here and---"

"Wait a sec," Benjamin whined, interrupting Ashley. "We're still gonna stay and party, right?"

"Duh," Ethan, Abby, and I said in unison. Ashley looked unsure. "You're kidding, right?" Abby said.

"Well....Someone's gotta stay sober to drive, so...."

Abby rolled her eyes. "Don't be such a puss, Ashley. You, Benjamin, and I can take a cab," she turned to me. "Mind taking Ethan?"

"I've got someone driving me, so as long as she doesn't care I don't," I answered.

"Great! Let's party, then!"


Two beers, a margarita, and a few shots of tequila later....

Yeah, I was stoned. Abby was stoned, Ashley was stoned, Benjamin was dancing on the table, Lily and Ethan were making out openly....We were all stoned. But my designated driver, Greta, had only a few sips of beer. Besides, she had Isabelle to back her up if things got messy.

She was lucky to have Isabelle. I had no one. No, my only boyfriend was a psychopath who was obsessed with me. Oh, if that wasn't enough, there's Damon, who is constantly stalking me. It feels like it, anyway.

Speaking of Dear Old Salvatore, he had drunk just about as much as I had and I was certain he was only acting drunk so he could get women. Three slutty girls were crawling all over him. I glared at them. I wasn't sure why it was making me mad, but it was, nonetheless.

Ashley and Abby were dancing to one of the band's songs. They were called Decode, I think, and they were really awesome....Though, come to think of it, pink elephants seemed pretty awesome too. Everything seemed awesome! To everyone else with a boyfriend. Well, damnit, I was not going to stand by and be the girl who was without a man to make out with at a party.

Greta grabbed my wrist as I got up. "Where are you going?"

I smiled, completely sloshed. "Dancing."

"With whom?"

I glanced at my target.

"Oh, hell no!" Greta grabbed her keys. "That's it, you're drunk enough to go home."

"Leave me alone, I'm fine!" I protested, laughing. I pulled my wrist away and headed for my prey. The blonde on his lap looked at me suspiciously. Wrapping my arms around his neck from behind, I whispered in his ear, "Come dance with me."

Damon smirked wolfishly, abandoning the three girls, who glared at me hatefully. He wasted no time gradually closing the gap between us and instead put his body against mine. "'Bout time you got drunk enough."

I smiled up at him. "I'm not drunk."

He chuckled at that. "I'm afraid you are."

"And you'll use that advantage, won't you?"

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