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"Breaking news. Talk about history repeating itself. Yesterday evening at around five o'clock, Los Angeles National Bank was robbed for the first time in twenty three years. Yup, you heard that right. Three men wearing all black were spotted robbing the bank. The same ski masks as the once-famous gang, the masked phantoms, were covering the men's face,"

"They were in and out in a whopping seventy four seconds. Could this be related to the original gang from the nineties? Or is a new crew of bank robbers terrorizing the streets of LA? The LAPD is in a frantic rush to catch these felons once and for all."

I nervously gulp as I watch back the security footage of the robbery. It happened so fast, I blink and miss half of it. My stomach has been in knots all morning as I quickly shut the TV off in my bedroom.

"Can you believe the news?" Skylar suddenly appears in my doorway, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What did I tell you about coming into my room?" I roll my eyes and swing my school bag over my shoulder.

"Technically, I'm not in your room." My sister throws her hands up in defense.

"Whatever you do, do not bring up the robbery to mom or dad." I sternly warn her, making sure I keep my voice low.

"Why are they so interested in a gang of bank robbers who are apparently all dead?" She raises an eyebrow up.

"Don't play dumb, Sky. You know mom used to be on their case. She dropped it because it was too dangerous."

"But what about uncle Duke? He's always quiet about them."

"Zip it, okay? You don't need to be asking questions about the masked phantoms. It's probably some stupid teenagers who want to prank the town."

I walk past her and head downstairs, smelling bacon lingering from the kitchen. "Something smells good."

Mom turns to look at me, placing two plates down on the table. Her blonde hair is tied up into a messy bun. "Are you actually going to sit down and eat this time?"

"Yes, I got up earlier. I have twenty minutes before I need to head over to Cameron's." I take a seat and pour myself some apple juice before sticking my fork into a plate of scrambled eggs.

"I forgot it's your day to carpool." She anxiously takes a sip of her coffee.

"Is everything okay?" Even though I already know the answer, I still need to make sure my mom is alright.

"I want you to come straight home after class today, okay? Police are everywhere and I don't think it's safe for you to be out right now."

"Is this about the robbery?" Skylar's irritating voice enters the kitchen. Of course she disobeys me.

"Yes, it's a serious matter. So, sweetheart, after school come right home." She advises my sister.

"I'm meeting with Jenny after school, we have a math test next week and she's helping me study." Skylar argues.

"Bring her here." Is all mom says.


"No but's." Dad enters the kitchen, looking on edge. I turn my head to glance at him. "Until the police find the robbers, it's not safe."

"That could take months, years. We can't live our lives in fear." That's my sister for you - a typical, bratty teenager. She can never let things go.

"Where's uncle Duke?" I change the subject.

"He went to the station early today to start an investigation." Mom lowly mutters.

"He has nothing to worry about, I'm sure it's one big prank. People have been impersonating the masked phantoms for years." Skylar sits down at the table.

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