3- Kidnapped

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 It was spring but still a little cold

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It was spring but still a little cold. It had been 3 months since Leonard Snart got out of Iron Heights. I've been a little nervous to go to school for the first month but Barry said if anything happened he would be there in a flash. That pun is so stupid.

I run to the bus stop to try and beet Izzy and Bree there but they always seem to beet me there and it is annoying and an inside joke. We have everything class except Civics together.

"How do you two beet me here every time?!" I ask slowing down in front of them. They laugh. A few minutes later the bus comes and we sit in the same seat we did the first time I was on the bus. We talk about our lives and how they are getting better. Bree has been quiet but with a huge smile on her face.

In the middle of Izzy speaking she yelled as loud as she could. "My mom got engaged!" Everyone on the bus is silent for a second at her sudden out burst.

Then the whole bus cheers and says there congratulations. "Waaahoo!" Me and Izzy yell the loudest. We jump on her and giggle.

We fall in the floor amid the bus. The bus driver stops and yells. "Alright get off the floor and congratulations Bree." Bree's mom helped the school get out a poverty and gave the logical charity $10,000 dollars. All while sad that she was alone.

The bus driver started the bus again and we ride to school talking about the wedding and engagement. "We better be invited." Izzy said pointing her finger. Bree giggled and said. "You were the first to go on the list." We got off the bus and headed to school. "Another day in hell." I say to Bree. "Ha! You said it girl!" She said happily. She looked at my hand. "Where did you get that?" She asked pointing. I follow her gaze and finger.

"Oh I-" I start and cover the ring. "It was my mother's. She can't wear it anymore so she gave it to me." I say sadly. My mother died a week before so I have no idea why it didn't hurt as much. Joe, Barry, Iris, Caitlin, and Cisco tried to get me to not go to school and take time to grieve. I didn't listen.

Timey wimmy skip

It is forth block out of six and it passing time I the middle school. The loud speaker says. 'Students and Staff go to lock down procedure! This is not a drill! I repeat this is not a drill!'

Every one drops their books and heads to the nearest door they can find. Izzy and Bree make it to a room but I am pushed to the ground, being the smallest kid in the grade it wasn't like it was hard. A kid drops his stuff on my face and the world goes black for a second. I come to quickly. I sand up and try to go the nearest door but it is already locked. I realized I had my sketch book in my hand.

"Shit." I say quietly to myself. The hairs in the back of my neck go up instantly and the sound of a gun powering up is all I heard. 'I know that sound........ Snart.' I turn slowly.

He smirked and said. "Hello Tequila." He opened his mouth to say more but the police burst through the door. I go to scream but he grabbed my mouth and pulls me closer. He shoved me close against his chest and presses the cold gun against my head. I scream even though his hand is completely covered the bottom half of my face. A tear goes down my face and slides off his hand. My book still in my hands.

I try to move his hand but we both know there is no way in hell I am moving his hand. Soon I stop trying and just place my hands on his hoping he will move it.

My heart is racing and he feels it. His raises a little.

"Relies the girl Snart!!" Joe yells mean as hell.

Snart put the gun in its holster. He puts one hand over my waist to pick me up and one over my neck and mouth to stop me from screaming. He begins to back up and head for the door where I'm guessing is a van to leave. I fling my limbs around trying to buy time. He squeezed tighter and I barely move.

"Your a fighter. But small." He whispered in my ear. "Continue to fuse and I will kill everyone you love." He said to me and only me. "You already did." I say to him tears fall and I stop struggling. He looked at me confused for a spit second.

The police line moves forward. "So sad!" He yell to them acting like he was talking to me. "For the police force charged with protecting you, is going to decide to make you life so short Tequila." The officers back off a little.

Snart steps over my Civics teacher and one officer yells. "He's getting away!" I look at Joe but he is already yelling to not shoot. 'Don't shoot I'm in your line of fire.'  I thought but it was to late. As if in slow motion the bullet hits me in the thigh. I scream and before I could hit the ground Snart picked me up around the waist and yelled. "You idiot!" He uses his gun to make a wall to stop the Police from getting to him. He put the gun back in its holster and picks me up bridle style while whispering. "It's okay kid I got you."

I wanted to say. 'It's because of you that I am in this situation!' But I was to tired. Al the energy in me had been ripped out of my like removing a battery from a controller.

For someone who likes the cold he was warm. I snuggled against his chest, clutching my sketchbook like a stuffed animal and close my eyes. I was set down in a van and I heard voices. They where faded. I let go and fall to the darkness.

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