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The defiance rose in my throat like bitter bile. I shot to my feet, my glare hot enough to melt glaciers.  He just stared back, utterly unfazed, boredom radiating off him like heat waves.

A tense silence stretched between us, punctuated only by the whirring of the laptop fan. Finally, he rose with a sigh, a stark contrast to the storm brewing inside me. He disappeared into the walk-in closet, emerging moments later with a giant shirt that could have doubled as a tent.

"Your clothes are coming tomorrow," he tossed it on the bed, the sound echoing in the vast room. "Bathroom's over there."  He turned away, returning to his work as if the entire exchange had been a minor inconvenience.

Humiliation flooded me. This was a game to him, a cruel joke at my expense.  "I've never been so insulted in my life!" I fumed.

Silence. Not even a twitch of acknowledgement.

"I'm talking to you!" I practically shouted, my voice tight with anger.

He finally lifted his head, a bored expression etched on his face. "What exactly have I done?"

"Wow," I sputtered, disbelief lacing my voice. "You have the audacity to play dumb?" Maybe I was overreacting, but being told to strip by your new husband on your wedding night definitely qualified as an insult.

"Look," he sighed, a hint of exasperation creeping into his tone, "I don't have time for this. Don't you want to sleep? What do you want from me?"

Silence descended again, heavy and suffocating. Then, with another sigh, he pushed back from the laptop and shed his glasses.

A primal instinct flared within me as he began to close the distance.  "Why are you coming closer?" I demanded, stepping back until my spine met the cool wall.

He smirked, amusement dancing in his eyes. "I think I'm starting to understand your frustration. It is our wedding night, and let's just say..." he trailed off, his voice dropping to a husky murmur, "you're not the only one who might want something."

I scoffed. "Get a grip on your ego, Emmanuel. I just wanted to know what happens next."  My glare intensified as I pressed myself further into the wall.

"Us, baby," he purred, the space between us closing with each word. "Us is what happens next."

Before I could react, he had me pinned against the door, his touch sending shivers down my spine.  A whirlwind of confusion and something akin to... frustration? Warred within me.

He spun me around, my back flush against the cool surface. "We'll see about that," he murmured, his voice husky with something that was definitely not boredom.

Then, in a move that stole my breath, he began to unzip my wedding dress.

"Let me take care of this for you, Vasílissa mou," he whispered in a language I didn't understand, his warm breath tickling my ear.  The nickname, unexpected and strangely intimate, sent a blush creeping up my neck.

Before I could form a coherent thought, he was kissing my neck, the touch igniting a spark of something I couldn't define.  His lips danced a path down my shoulder, sending shivers cascading down my body.  His smirk was infuriating, yet undeniably alluring.

Instinct took over. I lashed out, aiming a well-placed kick at his shin.  He caught my leg with ease, the smirk on his face widening.

"Calm down, love," he chuckled, his voice laced with amusement.  He turned me around with surprising force, his lips meeting mine in a searing kiss.  It was a battle for dominance, a clash of wills.

Then, with a sharp nip at my bottom lip, he stole my breath away, leaving me no choice but to surrender – for the moment.  The kiss deepened, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within me.  One part of me recoiled at his arrogance, another part... responded.

When we finally broke apart, my head was spinning. Did I hate him?  Was I attracted to him?  My brain felt like mush.

He pushed me back onto the bed with a chuckle.  "I have work to do, kitten," he smirked.  "Maybe we can play later."  He settled back against the pillows, the laptop glowing in the darkness.

"Don't think this is over, Emmanuel," I growled, determined to make my presence known.  "I'm bringing hell to this gilded cage, whether you like it or not."

He chuckled again, that infuriating sound echoing in the room.  "We'll burn together, then, babe," he replied, his eyes glinting in the dim light.

Vasílissa mouWhere stories live. Discover now