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Emmanuel's Pov

In Giovanni's office

"Are the boxes set" I asked my dad taken a cigar

"Yes " he nodded drinking his scotch

"I always knew you were ready to take over my empire the only problem I saw was that you will never have attachments but look at you now "

I smiled

"Causalities I will never regret"

"Teach her how to fight my son let her be able to protect herself "

"She doesn't need me for that padre" I smirked

"Good" he spoke

The room was quite

"When I found out my uncle.."

"His not your blood anymore don't call him that" my father scolded

I said sighed

"When I found out cristiano was the culprit I investigated he has been in hiding for months now father there was no way I could reach him and I couldn't tell you because I knew the hurt it will bring I wanted to end it myself "

"And his wife and son" padre asked

"I found his wife dead and his son in a boarding school" I sigh

"That sick bastard" he looked pissed

"We don't know for sure who killed her" I spoke

"He knew we would go after them
and I know Sarah would be against this" he rested his hand on his head

"But he loved her" I argued

My padre shook his head"son your uncle is a sick man he has serious anger issues this wasn't the first time he killed someone just because they didn't agree with him why do you think we don't talk about his love life"he spoke

I looked confused

"Your uncle has always been envious of me I should have done something after he killed betty because she didn't love him back he told me she was in love with me....I was so hurt to see him in pain I decided to clean it up and we moved to another country" he forced himself to say

"We will end this father" I spoke

"It wasn't your fight" he glared back

"It became my fight when he threatened my woman"

"Your woman" he teased

"Speaking of my woman I best get back to her "I sighed getting up

I walked to the door turning back to him

"We will get him father"he nodded

" together "he smiled

Smirking I spoke" together "

Opening the door something fell on the ground looking down I chuckled

"Really now" I spoke

She got up

"You were taking so much time nuel" she whined

My father laughed

"Please stay for the night"

"Okay sir" Andrea replied

"Then we best get ready for bed love"I spoke

When we got to the room I called my butler to send clothes for tomorrow, Few hours later I decided to stay in the jacuzzi I didn't know how long I stayed in it until I saw andrea coming in

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