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When we got downstairs, I was greeted by five grown men in suits.

Nuel quickly dispelled the confusion.

"Andrea, these are my men," he said. "They're some of my most trusted. If you need anything, they'll be here." The men all bowed in unison.

It took about 15 minutes to get their names and learn what each one did within the gang. I also found out that the blonde from yesterday was Nuel's second-in-command.

"Well, thank you for the introductions. It's a pleasure to meet you all," I said politely.

"Likewise," replied Jewel, the man with the French accent.

A few minutes later, Nuel and I headed out for breakfast and then some shopping.

Emmanuel's POV

When we got back home, Andrea decided to make pancakes for us. I didn't want to spoil the mood, so I kept my mouth shut.

Now I regret it.

"So, do you love the pancakes?" Andrea asked, beaming.

She looked so happy. How could I tell her they tasted awful?

"You're the best, love... I never knew you had such a rare talent," I said, forcing a smile.

I wanted to puke.

"Really? I thought I sucked. This is my first time making pancakes," she replied.

No wonder you're so bad at it.

"You did well," I nodded, trying to sound convincing.

My stupid men were about to explode with laughter.

"Then why did you stop eating after the first bite?" she asked, her smile fading.

Because I don't want to die from this poison.

"I'm trying to savor the taste," I said, while my men struggled to contain their laughter.

Her expression darkened. Before I could react, I saw a knife at one of the twins' throats.

"Then why are they laughing?" she glared at me, her voice cold.

"Use your words, Andrea," I scolded softly.

My men were stunned; Daniel looked terrified.

Next time, they won't laugh at her, I thought as she slowly lowered the knife.

"Don't mind them, love. They just want to tease you. But really, they've been begging me with their eyes for a taste," I said, smirking.

Her anger faded, and she smiled again.

"Sorry about that, Daniel. You could've just asked," she said sweetly. "I only made them for Nuel, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing with you guys."

I smirked.

"Since I don't want to stress you, I'll share it with them. As much as it pains me, I'll give Daniel my share so there's enough for everyone."

Thank God.

She smiled at me warmly.

"I think I'm starting to like this side of her," I thought. Always smiling at me.

"Thanks, Nuel," Daniel said begrudgingly.

"Men, shall we?" I said, laughing inwardly as they grumbled and started eating. Andrea sat beside me in the huge dining room, smiling as she watched them force down her cooking.

"Andrea, we have a cook. I don't want you to stress yourself in the kitchen," I lied smoothly.

"Okay, but can I learn more from him? I've never worked in a kitchen before, and now that I know you love my cooking, I'd love to make meals for the men."

My men froze, their eyes silently pleading with me to save them.

"Of course," I said quickly. "Just tell the cook what we each like. It's not that I don't like your cooking, it's just that I'm used to his food."

She nodded, seemingly satisfied.

At least my men looked relieved.

"Okay, Nuel, I'm tired. I'm going to retire to my room for now. Goodnight, boys," she said, smiling sweetly.

Fake smiles spread across their faces.

"Goodnight," they replied in unison.

The moment she was out of sight, they all stopped eating.

The twins bolted for the kitchen to puke, Sam tried washing his tongue, Jewel dramatically prayed that he hadn't swallowed any poison, and Jack just kept eating.

He looked at me, shrugging.

"My tongue has lost its sense of taste, so why should I stop?"

I laughed.

I had pressing matters to deal with, so I retired to my office.

Today was certainly eventful.

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