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Andrea's Pov

Finally he was done with the interrogation,I was tired of spying.

I waited for ten minutes before i decided to come out

Badging through the doors

"Everyone knocked except you"

"I am your wife I don't need to" he rolled his eyes it was a very funny sight to see

I looked at the whiskey on the table deciding it was for anyoneI drank it

He looked at me

"What" I asked

"Nobody drank the whiskey" confused I asked

"So what its just a drink" he glared at the glass

"No one drank the whiskey meaning they do not trust me after everything I have done for them it was only you that drank it"

"Baby am not scared of you I trust you that's why I drank it,they are your men maybe it was because of fear that was why they didn't drink it"

"Fear would have made them drink it ...if they cannot trust me then why do they call me brother, family trust no matter what"

I sighed he was right

"You need to teach them that then "

"I tested them and they failed"

"Do you trust them" I asked

"I would have if they had drank the whiskey... I was taught to trust only myself " he raised my chin

"But you I trust"he spoke

I smiled

"When this is done you will be my second in command" I knew I shouldn't be happy taking Sam place but I didn't give a fuck at least I would get some action

"What of Sam"I asked

" who is Sam"he asked with he serious face

I laughed

"You are a drama queen" i spoke

he smirked

His phone beeped

We looked at each other before he picked it up

"Ciao" (hello)his emotionless face back on

"sarà con te a breve "(be with you shortly)

He ended the call

" who was that"I asked

He looked at me

"Let's go my mother needs us"

Thirty minutes later we where at the Accardi mansion

Entering the mansion for the second time we were greeted by the butler who led us to the living room,the last time I came here we were led to the beautiful garden for tea then nuel was in a hurry to leave so we cut it short,the living room had brown walls with expensive furniture the accardi truly had good taste, I looked around this was where nuel grew up there was an old man in the living watching the news drinking wine the old man looked my way nodding his head at my husband he was the older version of my husband to say the least the man was tall with white hair packed in a bun he wore an armani suit with a poker face the man was handsome but looked deadly

"So this is the wife" he folded his arms
His native tongue was so strong

"Yes Padre" nuel spoke with a poker face

"She's a keeper" he smiled

"This is your father...why didn't you show up at my wedding I taught you were dead sir"I spoke

He laughed

"I have cheated death so many times love and I had business to attend too my wife just couldn't wait for me to travel back for it and now I know why"

"Why is that padre"nuel asked

His father looked at him

" my wife isn't a trickster like me son she cannot cheat death"

I couldn't breath well

"What" I asked shocked

"She has been having severe heart attacks,she is a fighter but I fear she wants to giveup my child"

Nuel didn't even shed a tear

He nodded

"Where is mother" he asked

"Am right here my son" even in sickness she looked lively

"She doesn't look sick" nuel spoke I glared at him

"That's because I want to look beautiful before death" she laughed coming down her husband helping her out

"Why didn't you tell me Madeline" my voiced cracked

"Silly girl it will be fine beside I kept on telling my son to marry before I die his just daft" nuel kissed her head

"Am sorry madre" she smiled

"Atleast show you care" I murmured

"Excuse me "He turned looking at me with his deadly eyes thinking I will cower

" you don't look sorry"I shrugged

"If I cry or show sympathy it show i have lost hope and that is not going to happen, my mother is very strong she's not going to die on me"

That shut me up

I shouldn't have judged him

"Why didn't you tell me " he asked his mother

"You were to busy your father always pushed you to hard I didn't want to add to your plate baby" she hugged him

"I never pushed him love it was just training he needed to earn our family name even though he hates me for that he knows it helped him"nuel's father glared

I noticed something nuel never talked back he gave his dad that much respect

"Padre it is cristiano" nuel spoke shocking his father

"Are you sure son"nuel nodded

" he sent someone to give my wife the message "anger flashed through his father's eyes

" Am going to kill every bloody member of his family "his dad brought out his gun moving to his door

"Giovanni please come back " his mother fell touching her heart I held her up while nuel ran to stand at his father's front

"This was why I didn't tell you since,we have a plan"

"You knew since,move boy I wouldn't hesitate"

He put a gun on nuels head

"Giovanni stop this" Madeline shouted... I tried to tell her it was going to be fine that he wouldn't shoot his son but I didn't know what this stranger could do

"I trained him that fucker i starved for him got beating for him he was my blood and this his how he repayed me I was abused because I gave him half of what I had and this is how he repay me"Giovanni shouted still holding a gun to his sons head

" father please trust I will do what is right let karma take it course don't let the anger give you regret pull yourself together for war"I was scared wtf was going on

His father screamed and offloaded the bullet on the poor door almost close to his sons ear

His mother hugged me tight "welcome to family" she looked tired

After the event Giovanni scooped his wife up and took her upstairs to rest.

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