Chapter Thirty Eight

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I awake gradually. I still feel groggy; slowed, detached from myself. I'm in what appears to be a dimly-lit private hospital room, the blinds covering the window are pulled down. As my bleary eyes focus they take in a well-built, suited man sat on a chair facing the door. He has the air of a minder about him. He notices my waking despite my attempt not to show it.

"Ah! You're with us again Mr Davies." My eyes can now focus on him: He's more middle aged than the person who opened the embassy door for me, his irish accented voice deeper, more gravelly, but with a kind lilt. At least he's not French.

"What happened and where I am I?"

"You're in L'hôpital Européen Georges-Pompidou. You collapsed in the embassy, don't you remember?"


"It was a good thing we got you here; you'd a very nasty infection set into your leg. If you'd not been treated within hours the toxic shock might have killed you. As it is they've given your wounds a good cleaning out, and put you on some strong antibiotics as well as shooting you full of vitamins." That would explain the drip feeding into my arm. "Apparently vitamin depletion, malnourishment and immunodeficiency are quite common among Federation asylum seekers, so I'm told. The doctor will be along later but they expect you to make a full recovery from your infection and your injuries."

"How long have I been out?"

"A good twenty hours or so."

"So this is Sunday morning!"

"It is. And you've missed out on the uproar your story has created."

"What's happened?"

"Well your timeblurts went out on time as you instructed, you not being in any state to rescind them, and they've been reblurted all over the place. Not that it's likely to make any difference. Prime Minister Purvis and the Electoral Comission still insist the election was free and fair, and they're refusing point-blank to allow an international independent audit of the voting record or the administration programme."

"Acting as if they've something to hide."

"Indeed. But the fact is there's little anyone could do about it now, or would want to do about it. You see this wouldn't be the first time that an election has been... 'adjusted'. It goes on more often than you might imagine; even in places in Europe where you'd never think it would happen, but oh yes, it does!

Did you never stop to wonder how it is that politicians can be so unpopular and yet still get reelected time after time? Now obviously there are plenty of guillible people about, but that's only a part of it. It's been going on for years you know, and electronic voting has only made it easier; why, you no longer need to stuff voting papers into a ballot box when you can be far, far away and achieve the same result with a flick of your finger; you're better able to cover your tracks as well. It's an accepted fact within the international community that it's the way things are done from time to time; and as long as it's not done too blatantly it's allowed to let lie. You don't go around shaking the skeletons in someone else's cupboard for fear they'll come and rattle the bones in yours."

I feel myself falling into a yawning pit of despair. "So you're telling me I've fucked-up my life for nothing!"

"Now I didn't say that! By making your story public you've performed a valuable service for which the Republic is extremely grateful. As you might imagine what affects our near neighbour is something we're extremely interested in. And it would seem that we're not the only ones concerned about your wellbeing; the French government are looking for you, as well as the Federation. Apparently they're seeking your extradition in regard to an unfortunately fatal road collision which happened in London on Friday, and the matter of embezzlement has been raised as well... So when all is said and done it's probably a very good thing we registered you here under a spare name we had going around; after all, we wouldn't want you lifted from under our noses before we've a chance to fly you to Dublin, get you debriefed and examine all of the records in detail, would we?"

The Blurt of Richard DaviesWhere stories live. Discover now