Chapter Ten

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It had been two days with Otha and Isla was exhausted. After confessing to the whole debacle with Coach Chablis, Otha informed her that Earth was so effortless to control because it allowed her to. His training was helping and she was able to control Wind and Water better, but Fire was the ultimate challenge. "I don't think I can do this," Isla cried as the fire rose in temperature and temperament. "You have to focus! Tame the fire! Control it!" Every time Otha commanded that she control the fire the more out of control the flames would get.

"We're going to do this our way," Isla whispered. She closed her eyes and imagined being consumed by the fire. It didn't seem to work and the flames were whipping around brashly. "Work with me here," Isla pleaded. "I said control it! I did not say to give in!" Otha barked. Isla ignored him and imagined the fire slowly seeping back within herself as if to safely come home, but that didn't work either. Isla tried various meditations and breathing techniques that had worked for Water and Wind before putting the bracelet back on.

"Otha, I love you dearly, but just yelling at me isn't going to get Fire handled. "I wasn't yelling," the elder Ent huffed. "Control it! Tame it!" Isla mocked in a booming voice. The two looked at one another and then immediately began laughing. "We will get this under control, my dear." Otha smiled as Isla sat on the ground with her back against his trunk.

"That's just it Otha. I was thinking that we're so focused on controlling it that maybe we should be embracing it." Otha looked at her fearfully. "Don't talk like that, Isla." He warned. "Giving into these powers is what led all of the other Orbs to their demise." Isla looked up at him with questioning eyes.

"I don't doubt that you will be able to tame these powers. Your ancestor, Nadia, took some time, but she was able to get all four under control. However, over time she seemed to give into the darkness having so much power. The power lust was too much and eventually she had to die to save everyone else." He sighed just thinking back on a memory. "Lottie was the strongest of them all though and without her immense power we would have lost to those hunters. But for some reason, despite having it under control the use of the power led to her demise."

"These powers if not handled correctly are like leeching time bombs. The more they are used the more damage is done until you are no more if not careful. Lottie scarified herself because these powers were taking over. She had to die in order to save this town and her family." Otha looked at her sternly. "So, no you will not be embracing it. You will fight like hell to ensure they don't consume you and kills us all in the process."

The two spoke more about the Orbs, Lottie and Nadia more in depth, as well as Isla's sleeping habits. "You know you talk in your sleep." Isla scoffed. "I do not!" She exclaimed really wondering if she spoke in her sleep. "You do too." Otha smiled. "Who is Paxton?" At the mention of his name Isla smiled. "He is literally the boy of my dreams, Otha." She sighed with a smile.

He gave her a questioning look. "Okay, I've been dreaming about him since I was 12. It's all so life like. We talk about everything and nothing. I even met his twin sister in a few dreams. I always thought my mind was crazy imaginative, but the dreams with Paxton prove it's on another level."

"Why do you say that?" Otha inquired. "Because my mind literally made up two people..." Otha chuckled. "Wait you don't think they're real?" Isla looked at him like he grew a head. "Of course, they're not real, Otha. You don't meet people in dreams – that's not normal." Otha bellowed with laughter at this.

"Talking to and meeting people in your dreams is as real as you being engulfed by fire and not burning. I know things, Isla," Otha smiled as Isla prepared to walk back home. "I have a feeling this Paxton boy is going to be extraordinary." Isla laughed as she made her way out of the forest. "He doesn't exist!" She called back with laughter.

It was 11:55pm and Isla was thankful for the break from lessons with Otha. She understood how important it was for her to get ahold of her powers, so they agreed on Wednesdays and the weekend. She would no longer have a life, but if that meant figuring out a way to save said life, she was down for it. But as she walked down the streets out of the Enchanted Forest, she couldn't help but take a deep breath and smile. Isla loved Ravenswood and just how much joy it brought to various people and families regardless of species.

This joy that she felt engulfed her so much so that she didn't realize she was singing. She walked and sang without a care in the world until she felt a presence behind her. She didn't stop singing, in fact, the joy she felt just seemed to heighten as she turned around to come face to face with the boy who helped her nights before in the Enchanted Forest.

He looked so much taller as he hovered over her. His deep brown eyes held a storm within them that Isla could not understand why she desperately felt the need to chase said storms away. He wasn't smiling, which was strange given her song. Isla expected anyone who heard her song to be exuding joy, but here he was staring down at her almost glaring. She stopped singing and smiled.

"Thank you for the other night. You literally saved me and the Enchanted Forest." He continued to stare but grunted a welcome. "What's your name?" Isla found herself wanting to know everything about this boy, but he didn't seem to be on the same page as she was. "Grey." Isla loved that name. It suited him. "I'm Isla," she smiled putting out her hand. "I know who you are." He retorted not taking it. "What are you doing out here so late? It's dangerous." He scolded. Isla smiled at the idea that he was worried about her.

"It is not dangerous. This is Ravenswood." Isla chuckled. "I just finished my lessons with Otha and I'm heading home now." Isla could tell he was uncomfortable, but she wasn't sure what about. "You could walk with me if you'd like." Grey seemed to be thinking it over before agreeing to it. "So, what's wrong with you? The stuff I know about witches they are born with powers they can control. You were so far out of control the other night," Grey inquired. Isla shyly tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and sighed. "Yeah. My original power is that I'm a Siren. I can control people through song or get them to feel a certain type of way through singing." Isla awkwardly laughed. "But I just found out – the day you saved me actually – that I'm an Orb. It's basically a really powerful Devereux witch that can control the elements, but it takes a lot of hard work hence me training with Otha."

Grey seemed to think some more before inquiring, "Does it hurt? Is it dangerous these powers?" Isla could not understand why everything within her was screaming for her to lie to him, but she did. She told Grey it didn't hurt and that it was just something she needed to tame and all would be well. She couldn't see him release the breath he didn't even know he was holding waiting on her answer to those questions.

"This is me," Isla pointed to the Devereux mansion. "That's a really nice house," Grey complimented. Isla smiled. She knew her ancestors would be so happy to know that even in the 21st century they were being admired for their craftsmanship. "You sure you're going to be okay walking home? Do you know how to get back – you're new here." Isla worried.

A small smile graced Grey's lips, which Isla noticed, and then it was gone. "I'm going to shift and run home. I also have a wolf's nose and can smell my family from here." Isla nodded in understanding. "Okay, just be careful...wait give me your phone." Grey eyed her suspiciously before handing over his cellphone. Isla programmed her number in and called herself to have his number. "Text me when you get home, okay?" Grey called out an "Okay" as he made his way home.

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