Chapter Sixteen

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Grey was surprised when Alaric and Nicklaus entered his home. "Gentleman, we weren't expecting you. Is everything alright?" Tallulah asked concern etched on her face as she held Odin on her hip. "We're not sure yet. We are all needed in the Enchanted Forest immediately." Alaric spoke up. 'Isla.' Riel and Grey both knew it had something to do with her. He was not looking forward to this especially since his father already looked irritated by the matter.

"Does this have to do with that witch you all worship?" Kai grunted. "Kai enough." Nicklaus declared. Silence took over the home as Grey knew his father would not dare disobey his Alpha. "Let's go," Alaric spoke up. "One of the younger wolves will watch Odin, Tallulah." As if on cue, a teenage girl walked in the already open door to babysit. They all made their way towards Nicklaus' truck and headed towards the Enchanted Forest.

"We need to go to the Enchanted Forest," Andersen spoke up as he fastened his watch on his wrist. "What for?" Petra asked first. "I'm not sure, but if Nina Devereux calls a meeting you don't ask questions." At the sound of the name, Paxton was up and out the door. He wanted to hyper speed to the Enchanted Forest if Andersen hadn't stopped him and motioned for him to get into the sports car.

"You don't have any idea what this is about?" Petra questioned never liking surprises. "We will all find out together when we get there, Petra." Andersen soothed. "Madeline is meeting us." Paxton knew this was serious if both the Alpha and Beta of the Vampires were going to be present at this meeting. As they pulled up and saw Madeline along with a group of werewolves, Paxton immediately knew this had something to do with Isla and he was worried.

"Does anyone know what this is about," Tallulah asked no one in particular as the group made their way into the Enchanted Forest. "Not a clue." Andersen responded. The tension was evident and rolling off of Grey and Kai Lowe. Paxton could tell instantly where Grey got his hatred for everyone other than werewolves from. His father was practically snarling at them. They could see Nina Devereux standing and whispering to the largest Ent Paxton could ever imagine. "Do you see the size of that thing," Petra whispered loudly as she gawked. "Come closer everyone," Otha spoke. "What needs to be discussed is not for everyone's ears." 

They stood in segregated groups except Paxton who held onto Isla's waist and drew lazy circles on her hip bone. He noticed Grey's slight frown at this, but didn't care. Paxton also noticed Andersen and Madeline's shocked expressions at the intimate position of he and Isla, but he also did not care. He could sense that something was wrong with his mate and he was going to do whatever it took to ease her worries.

"I called you all here, because we have a serious situation on our hands," Nina spoke up. "One that involves everyone here." Nina looked at Otha to continue. "Since the beginning of the Devereux line there have been witches every other generation called Orbs. These witches are the most powerful witches known and can control earth elements, water, wind and fire. I have trained every Orb since the construction of Ravenswood and every Orb has died due to their power."

This revelation had both Paxton and Grey's hearts beating for dear life. Paxton looked down at Isla for any sign that this was a lie, but she couldn't look at him. She couldn't tell him what he wanted to hear. "Isla here is an Orb and after hearing the things that have been occurring for the past few days, I realized something that can potentially save her life."

Kai grunted before speaking. "What does this have to do with me and my family?" If looks could kill the look Margot squared him with would have left him dead on arrival. He felt a small throb at his temple and rubbed it before making eye contact with Margot who had her eyebrow cocked.

"This has everything to do with your family, Malakai Lowe." Otha spoke as if he knew everything about a person. Your deepest fears, wishes, hopes and he had the power to level the most prideful if he wanted. "It has come to my attention that every Orb has two mates."

Murmurs picked up amongst the groups. "Paxton Pavlov and Grey Lowe are Isla's mates." At this declaration all of the adults were talking and seeking clarity. "Quiet!" Otha demanded, silencing the crowd in front of him. "The power that an Orb possesses is too strong for not only one person, but for two people. This power is shared with both mates making all parties involved the most powerful among their kind."

Otha looked at Paxton and smiled as he saw how much the boy cared for Isla. "You will become one of the most powerful vampires once you are mated," Otha turned to Grey. "You will become one of the most powerful werewolves once you are mated." Before Otha could continue, Grey spoke up. "That's not going to happen."

"Grey, what are you saying?" Tallulah spoke looking at her son with wide eyes. "I'm not mating with a witch. I don't care what it means for me. I won't do it." He spoke sternly as he looked to his father for approval, but the expression in his father's eyes had him questioning everything. "The boy has every right to decline the mating process," Alaric spoke up. "You would agree with that wouldn't you," Nicklaus retorted. "Why would you support him ignoring the Moon Goddess?" Tallulah questioned tears brimming her eyes. "Because he did it years ago," Nicklaus basically spat out.

Otha sighed at the scene unfolding. "Alaric and Nicklaus were Lottie's mates. Lottie was the last Orb." Realization began to hit Isla as she put the pieces together. "You rejected her," Isla looked to Alaric. "But you mated with her," she pointed to Nicklaus. "You became powerful, therefore becoming Alpha and let me guess Otha she was able to better handle her powers for a little bit." Otha nodded. "But the rejection sealed her fate. Without the acceptance of both her mates she was destined to die." Isla sighed as the one tear fell from her eye. "You killed her," Isla whispered as she looked at Alaric who was standing diagonal to Grey. Both men stared at her with a pained expression on their faces.

Alaric didn't see the punch coming until it was too late. Nicklaus was on top of him punching until vampires and werewolves alike were pulling him off. "Enough!" Nina exclaimed using magic to move Nicklaus furthest from Alaric. "You were there with me as she died in our arms and all along it was you who killed her, you bastard!" Nicklaus screamed fresh tears streaming down his face as he remembered Lottie's blood-stained smile as she took her final breath.

Alaric was shocked into silence as the revelations washed over him. Otha steered the conversation back to the topic at hand. "If Grey does not accept Isla history will repeat itself. Even if Paxton and her mate, eventually her powers will become unstable and she will die." Otha finished. "We called this meeting mainly for you, Kai," Nina spoke up. "Are you willing to let your misdirected anger stop your son from listening to fate?" Tallulah shed silent tears as she had no idea what her husband was thinking or what he would do next.

Before Kai could speak up, Grey was at the forefront. "The decision isn't up to him. It is up to me. Isla is my mate and I'm choosing to reject her." A sob was let out by Tallulah while Margot reached to comfort her. "How could you make such a decision? After everything you just heard you're still willing to be so callous and kill her?" Paxton yelled fangs at attention ready to attack. Petra held onto her brother trying to calm him telepathically as they both stared at Grey's expressionless face.

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