Chapter Thirteen

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As President of Student Council, Isla was in charge of giving the tour to the three new students. After introductions, she stood in front of them and couldn't help but access their outfits and just how different they each were. Petra wore black tights with a black knit dress and black combat boots. She looked just like she did in Isla's dreams and that put a smile on her face. Her gothic attire complimented her brash, but secretly sweet personality. Grey looked so handsome in his loose-fit jeans and maroon V-neck. His hair hung freely below his shoulders in slightly wet waves from his shower and it took everything in Isla not to touch it. Paxton wore black jeans and a black shirt, which made his hair further stand out. All Isla wanted to do was brush his hair from his face and give him the sweetest kiss he'd ever have.

Petra cleared her throat causing Isla to snap back to reality. "Yeah, right. Okay, so welcome to O'Hara High. My name is Isla Devereux and as president of the Student Council I'll be your tour guide," Isla smiled as she made her way towards the senior wing. "Wait," Petra paused. " in related to the witches that started this entire town?" Isla blushed and Paxton smiled. "Of course, you're related to them." Isla couldn't help but smile at him as he looked on her with pride. "You're a witch! I mean I always knew you were real, but I just figured you were a vamp like us. This is amazing," Petra gleamed.

As they talked, Grey continued to become aggravated. He didn't need a stupid tour and he didn't want to be around Isla and her boyfriend Paxton. He just wanted to go to class and get this day over with, but Riel had different plans and he knew that. 'How do they know each other?' Riel questioned him. A question Grey secretly wanted the answer to as well. 'I don't know and I don't care. You need to snap out of it, Riel. We're not mating her – it's never going to happen.' Riel growled at this. 'You don't tell me what to do, Grey. She is OUR mate and that vampire isn't going to take what is ours.' Grey didn't want to admit that he shared the sentiment. He couldn't be with her because she was a witch, but he definitely didn't want to see her with anyone else especially a vamp.

They had walked the senior halls and were shown their classrooms. As they made their way into the cafeteria, Paxton reached for Isla's hand and a kiss. However, before his lips could touch her cheek he was shoved violently into a nearby table. "What the hell!" Isla exclaimed as Grey stood their breathing heavily. In the blink of an eye, Paxton's fangs were out and he was speed running towards Grey. Isla isn't sure how she did it but she got right in between the two at just the right moment, holding both away from the other. "Stop it now!" Isla demanded to no avail. She could feel Paxton's cold chest underneath her hand that contrasted greatly to Grey's extremely warm chest. "Grey, what has gotten..." Isla trailed off as a pair of golden eyes stared back at her with a smirk. "Hello love," he drawled out. She knew it was Grey's voice she heard and this was his body, but it wasn't Grey.

"You're his wolf." He smiled. "Beautiful and smart," he replied. "My name is Riel and I've been wanting to meet you for a while." Isla felt drawn to him. Her hand on his chest she could feel just how fast his heart was beating, but oddly enough she felt nothing on her other hand placed on Paxton's chest. She stared into his gray eyes that now stormed with hints of blue. "What is your problem?" Paxton barked; fangs exposed. Isla turned her attention back to Riel who just smiled at her. "You feel that don't you," he coaxed as he placed his hand over hers causing her to become overwhelmed with a euphoric feeling. "You feel the pull. You feel it just like I do, because we're m-" In an instant, golden eyes were a deep brown again and as Grey took a step back, Isla knew she would not get the answers she needed from him.

"Put the fangs away freak that was my wolf that shoved you not me." Grey dryly stated to Paxton. "Man and beast are one in the same. He has a problem with me and so do you." Paxton practically hissed. "Paxton," Isla whispered as she held his face in her hands urging for him to look at her. He complied. "Just forget about it. It's not worth it, okay?" Paxton could see her pleading with her eyes and dropped it. His fangs retracted and he placed a protective arm around Isla's waist.

"Wait a minute," Petra pipped up as if she just arrived. "I thought this school was magic free." Isla nodded. "It is magic free." Petra looked between her twin and Grey. "Then how come his wolf was able to take over and his fangs were able to sprout? Cause trust teen wolf, if my fangs were able to come out I would've drained you in a heartbeat," Petra scowled with the threat. Paxton softly chuckled at his sister, but the question was valid. "Seriously though Isla, how are we able to use magic on school grounds?"

Isla had a theory on that but she needed Nona and Otha to be sure. "I don't know, but I'll figure it out and get back to you, okay?" The rest nodded just as the bell rang. "Okay, since 1st period is just homeroom you didn't miss any actual teaching. Now you need to head to your 2nd period." Isla instructed. Grey marched off to History without a second look, while Petra made her way to English. "I'm really glad we have Math together," Paxton smiled as he kissed Isla on the neck. He could hear her heartbeat and see the pulse in her neck. He wanted to taste her so bad. He knew the promise of ecstasy would be fulfilled if he just took a bite. "Pax, are you okay?" Isla asked. He hated that he made her worry even for a millisecond. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's head to class."

He had never felt like this before. He was enamored and a man obsessed. From the moment they stumbled upon one another in their dreams, Paxton knew he loved her. She was funny, eloquent and graceful. They knew a lot about one another, but it was different now. He could touch her truly and kiss her freely and that was something he was going to cherish forever. They made it to Math class, hand in hand, and it seemed all eyes were on them. Isla led Paxton to two open seats by a blond-haired girl who seemed to be looking at them the hardest.

"What. The. Hell, La!" Stevie quietly exclaimed. "Remember the boy from my dreams," Isla whispered. "Yeah and?" Isla motioned her head towards Paxton. "That's him." Stevie's jaw dropped and Isla physically had to close it. After a few moments, Stevie whispered to her best friend, "he's gorgeous." Isla smiled, but not as big as Paxton's. He wasn't sure why his powers were working in a supposed magic-free school, but he was thankful because he listened in as Isla filled who he learned was Stevie in on their meeting.

Paxton and Isla said their goodbyes after Paxton walked her to History. He was headed to Biology and missed her already. He noticed that his powers were fading the farther he got away from her and realized that it may have something to do with being near her. Paxton wanted to take Isla out on a real date and tell her in person that he loved her.

Paxton was so lost in his thoughts he didn't know who he sat down next to in Biology. When the teacher asked his row of students to look to their right as that person would be their partner for the rest of the year, Paxton almost screamed in aggravation. Grey rolled his eyes at the fact that he would be stuck with a vamp as a lab partner. "I need to make good grades, so don't fuck this up for me." He growled as he began opening his books. "This is just fan-fucking-tastic," Paxton mumbled as class began. He didn't know what life in Ravenswood would be like, but he had a feeling it was going to be quite interesting to say the least.

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