Chapter Thirty

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Isla said her goodbyes to Paxton after they had an early breakfast in the cabin. "I don't want to go to school today. I just want to prolong this relaxed feeling," Isla sighed pleasantly. "Oh, you're relaxed, huh? I wonder why that is?"

Paxton laughed at her eye roll. Isla had woken up around 1 am ready for round 2 and Paxton happily obliged. It wasn't until after round 3 that they were able to fall back asleep before waking up for good at 6am.

"I love you, babe," Isla called out as she made her way towards Charmed Circle. "I love you too." Paxton called out turning around to see that Isla was nowhere to be found. The Enchanted Forest was gone too. He looked back and saw that he was on his front porch. He shook his head and entered the house. "I'll never get used to her witchy ways." Paxton shrugged as he made his way upstairs to his room. Before he could even get settled Petra came barreling in. "Tell me EVERYTHING!" She exclaimed sitting on his bed ready for story time.

"What are you doing up so early?" Paxton laughed. "Call it twin intuition, but I just woke up as you walked into the house. Now spill!" Paxton shook his head. "A gentleman never kisses and tells. I will say that we both had a magical time." "Prude," Petra rolled her eyes and smirked. "I'm happy for you Paxton. I told you she was special. This is further proof that you need to listen to me." He nodded his head as he began looking at clothes to wear for school that day.

"So, what are you and Grey going to get her for her birthday Friday?" Paxton and Grey had spoken about their joint present for Isla for a few days and decided on the perfect one. They were going to pick it up Saturday morning before her big party and he could hardly wait. "We're getting her something just as beautiful as she is." Petra swooned and left her brother to get ready. He was the happiest he'd ever been in a long while and that made her filled to the brim with glee.

Isla informed Otha on her way home about her vision and need to practice every day leading up to the oncoming battle. He agreed, but didn't want her to obsess over things or let fear take the reins. She got home, showered and dressed for school in record time to read over some grimoires before heading out. Edie could tell something was off with her and wondered if her night with Paxton wasn't as great as she hoped it would be.

"Paxton and I are great...I'm just focusing on the upcoming battle that's all." Isla stated as if reading her sister's mind. Edie chuckled. "So, you have my power now." Isla laughed as they pulled up to the school. "Enjoy your mates and this time together. The first few weeks after mating is so magical. Your bond is strengthening and you just feel one another on such a deeper level."

Isla nodded as they got out of the car and she was immediately hit with a stench so strong she wanted to puke. "Oh my goodness, do you smell that?" Isla coughed holding her vomit at bay. "I don't smell anything, but you don't look good." Edie said concerned as Grey, Paxton and Brendan walked up to them. "What's wrong, babe?" Paxton asked. "Can you smell that?" Isla cried as she began gagging. Grey and Paxton sniffed and scrunched up their noses. "Yeah it smells like rotten meat. I think they're throwing away something in the cafeteria. But wait – how can you smell that?" Paxton asked concerned.

"It's the mating," Brendan offered. "When Edie and I first mated I had horrible headaches in the beginning because my body was adjusting to her power and my new ability to read people thanks to it." Isla listened intently as she thought back to the past few days with her sight being live and in HD mode. "She was struggling with things slowing down around her for a few seconds because of my ability to freeze things. When you mate, you don't necessarily get their power but characteristics attributed to your mate. It's apparent you have Paxton's sense of smell." Isla shook her head. "I don't want it. I can't think straight." Isla gagged, but Paxton rubbed her back. "Just smell past that one. Keep searching until you find a pleasant one and focus on that."

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