Chapter Twenty-Three

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School was going to be hard. Isla seemed to yawn every five minutes despite Paxton bringing her a vanilla latte in the morning. "How did you know I needed coffee so bad?" Isla practically guzzled the hot drink down. "You weren't in my dream, so I knew you didn't sleep." He smiled with a peck to her lips. "Plus, judging by the sleep deprived scowl on Grey's face and earth quaking tremors last night I take it you two had a good night." Isla blushed and turned her face.

Paxton grabbed her chin and smiled. "You don't have to be embarrassed or afraid to talk to me about anything. I know our situation isn't conventional, but neither is the fact that supernatural creatures like us exist. I love you and that's all that matters." "I did a sharing need spell. It was to help us get more connected and I think it worked." Paxton nodded at her. "As long as he treats you like a princess I'm good with whatever."

Isla smiled at him as Grey made his way towards them. "Hey," Grey acknowledged Paxton before giving Isla a kiss. This shocked Isla and it showed. "What's wrong?" Grey and Paxton asked in unison. "I don't want everyone knowing I have two mates." She whispered looking around for prying eyes. "Why not?" They asked again in unison earning a look from Isla. "Because everyone will talk about me as if I'm some slut and not at the mercy of fate." Grey shook his head and wrapped his arm around Isla's waist causing her to try and push off of him but he just held her tighter.

"We don't care what other people think. You're our mate and if anyone has anything to say we'll handle it." Paxton nodded in agreement as the bell rang. They each gave her a peck as they headed to their science class. She looked around and noticed a few stares but headed to class trying her best to ignore them. She wasn't sure where Stevie was during that break in between their classes, but she would fill her in on her fears and concerns in class.

"Where were you?" Isla asked as she sat down next to Stevie. Stevie seemed a little out of breath, which seemed weird as they didn't have gym until the afternoon. "Are you okay?" Stevie smiled and nodded. She wanted so badly to tell her best friend that she and Derek had skipped last period to make out and go to 3rd base underneath the stairwell in the senior wing of school.

She wanted to tell her that she was madly in love, but knew she couldn't. She had made a promise to Derek that they would keep their love affair a secret for their own sakes and as much as it hurt to lie to her best friend she had to for her relationship. "I'm fine...just a little hot. I went to get something to drink in between class. What's up?"

Isla filled her in on her worries and concerns about having two mates and what it would mean not only for them as a throuple, but also how they would be perceived. "Isla, they aren't two random dudes that you're hooking up with simultaneously. They are your mates. The guys you are destined to be with for the rest of your life. No one is going to judge you and if they do who cares. All that matters is the love you three have for one another."

Isla smiled at her best friend who always had a way of calming her down. "Besides the whole school already knows you guys are together." Isla almost choked. "What?! How?" "Well some guys saw you kiss Grey this morning and you and Paxton were all lovey dovey yesterday so the news traveled, but I corrected some girls and let them know they were your mates so now everyone should calm down knowing the truth."

Isla wanted the ground to swallow her whole, but she couldn't think that or it would probably happen. She just needed to get through the school day. "Seriously La, you have the love of two great guys who would do anything for you. Any girl would be blessed to have that." Stevie smiled sadly. "Don't think about what the haters will say or care about the opinions of people who are non-motherfucking-factors. You deserve this happiness and I refuse to let you sabotage it." With a quick squeeze from her best friend, Isla was able to focus on the teacher in the front of the class room.

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