15. My Rabbit

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When Will woke up, Ash was still asleep. Their faces were close together, and Will could feel Ash's warm breathing on his face. He closed his eyes again, sighing through his nose.

Ash inhaled slowly, and Will opened his eyes. Ash's own deep blue eyes fluttered open, and a slow grin crawled across his face. 

"Hey," he said softly.

Will closed his eyes and slid his arm around Ash's waist, pulling him tight against him and pressing his lips right below Ash's earlobe. "Hey yourself."

Ash shivered, and Will chuckled. "You're so easily flustered."

"Not my fault," Ash whispered huskily. "You're too good at making me flustered."

Will grinned against Ash's neck and traced his tongue along his skin. Ash let out a soft moan and Will pulled back, smiling and kissing him gently before rolling away and checking the time.

"What time did you want to get up and do stuff?" he asked over his shoulder.

"I dunno," Ash said, stretching. "It can't be that late. I've never slept in before, mostly because of nightmares."

Will snorted, then showed Ash the time on his phone.

Ash stared for a second, his jaw dropping.

"Twelve fifty?" he gasped.

Will wrinkled his nose. "Not as much as I usually get to sleep in, but considering I had a small rabbit snoring in my ear all night..."

"Rabbit?" Ash asked indignantly. "Is this because of my comment earlier? Because I was joking."

Will grinned and slid his hand into Ash's, lacing their fingers together. He brought their hands up to his mouth and kissed his knuckles, one at a time, keeping eye contact with Ash. "So am I," he said. "And now we have two options. We can stay here, doing this--" he trailed his fingers up and down Ash's arm, making Ash shiver and tilt his head back, closing his eyes "--or we can go out and do stuff." He wrinkled his nose.

Will's hand slid up the sleeve of Ash's t-shirt, and he suddenly grabbed Will's hand, stopping it in place. His eyes were wide.

"Don't," he breathed. "You--you're gonna make me--" he groaned and leaned forward, kissing Will roughly, lifting his hand and tangling it in his hair. He freed his other hand and draped it over Will's shoulders, making him grin as they kissed and loop his arms around Ash's waist, pulling him onto his lap. Ash wrapped his legs around Will's waist, and Will slid his tongue along the seam of Ash's lips, making him moan and open for him.

"Try to keep quiet," Will breathed, fighting to keep himself from ripping Ash's shirt off. "I don't want to explain things to the neighbors."

"Fuck them," Ash groaned, digging his fingers into Will's hair. Will hummed, closing his eyes and tightening his hold on Ash's waist. The other boy was hard against him, and he grinned.

"I'd like to keep that pleasure for myself, thanks," he whispered, nosing Ash's jaw. He could almost feel Ash's face turn bright red, and laughed.

~ ~ ~

"Are you...Are you kidding?"

Will's face was bright. "Nope!"

Ash gaped at him, then at the stuffed rabbit in his hand. Then he burst out laughing.

"That's the best," he gasped, clutching the rabbit to his chest. "Oh my God, that's awesome."

Will smiled and ruffled his hair. "Glad you like i--"

"Hey, fag."

Will stiffened. He dropped his hand from Ash's hair and turned, glaring at Tristan.

"What do you want," he demanded.

Tristan shrugged, smirking. "I see you got your little boyfriend a stuffed animal," he sneered. "i mean, honestly. How gayer could you get?"

Ash swallowed hard. Will had his eyes closed tightly, and he took several deep breaths, as if trying to calm himself.

Ash took his own deep breath, then straightened.

"I can get a bit more gayer," he said mildly, and they both looked at him, Tristan with distaste, Will with confusion, and then Ash grabbed the collar of Will shirt, pulled him down, and kissed him.

In the middle of a store.

With half of the kids in their class watching.

Will stiffened in surprise, and Ash pulled back, laughing, and flipped a shocked Tristan off with both fingers.

"Honestly," Ash said, grinning. "How gayer could we get?"

Tristan snorted. "I--you just--ugh." He glowered at them and stormed off.

Will stood there for a few seconds, and Ash looked up at him, his smile fading. "Are you--was that...okay?"

Will didn't reply for a few moments, and Ash bit his lip. "Oh man, Will, I'm sorry if--"

"Ash," Will interrupted, "I think that was the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Ash stopped, his mouth dangling open.

Will started to laugh. "The look on his face! And that was the best comeback I've ever heard." He laughed harder, and then Tori walked up to them, scowling.

"I thought you said he was straight!" she said, obviously annoyed.

"He thought I was," Ash said, clutching his rabbit tighter. "I fixed it for him."

Will doubled over, still laughing. 

"My...rabbit..." Will wheezed. "God, I can't...even..." 

Ash blinked, suddenly concerned. "Dude, you've never laughed that much before. You okay?"

That sent Will into another fit of laughter, and Ash looked helplessly up at Tori, who was now smiling brightly. "You guys really are the cutest couple," she said with a sigh. "I hope you don't mind that I caught that on video."

Ash shook his head. "No, you're fine. I'm pretty sure he wants this moment preserved for all time." Ash patted Will's back. The other boy was now gasping for air. Ash drew his brows together. "He might need an ambulance."

"Stop," Will gasped. "Stop talking!"

Ash arched a brow at Tori, who grinned and returned to her gaggle of friends who didn't seem to care that Ash had just outed himself in public.

In fact, no one seemed to. Except Tristan, but he wasn't around anymore.

"C'mon, Will," Ash said. "let's get you back to hotel before you bust a vein."

- - - - - - - 

Vote and comment if you like!

What did y'all think about Ash outing himself?

I'll try to update by tonight or tomorrow! <3

Q: Play any sports?

A: Sleeping. That's a sport.

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