5 ✭

286 8 1

August 19, 2017
Tokyo, Japan

Yesterday was a  great day, after texting Valentina I eventually decided to look her up, I went through safari and wrote her name in the search bar and looked at the latest news about her. There were pictures of her with a friend out in the city, she looked so hot in that outfit, and couldn't prevent me from smirking at the thought of her body against mine.
I read a lot of articles that were written about her being here, however, one of them caught my attention.

World's best Valentina Hadley arrives in Tokyo for Summer Sonic music festival

The singer was caught arriving in Tokyo last Thursday.  The beauty is in the city for only a week and we can't wait to see her performing at the Summer Sonic festival, where a lot of other artists like Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa and 5 seconds of summer are performing as well.
Valentina was received by a lot of fans waiting for her at the Four Seasons Hotel where she is staying for a few days until she's gone to Osaka for Summer Sonic round 2.

Wtf! so she is staying at the same fucking hotel and didn't even tell me, probably because she doesn't know either.
Anyway, I'll see her today at the festival and I'm looking forward to it.
"Hey man, you ready?" Calum asked
"Yeah, where are Michael, Ashton, and Crystal?" I asked realizing they were gone an hour ago.
"Probably eating, dunno," he said looking at his phone.
"We should get going, we have to be on time for the soundcheck," I said.
Calum and I took our things and head downstairs to meet the boys and the rest of the crew, I couldn't stop thinking of Valentina and how she's going to look today. I've never seen her on stage, never heard her singing live so I'm a little excited about that.

When we arrived at the lobby I saw Michael, Ashton, and Crystal talking to someone so Calum and I approached them so we could finally get going but when I saw who were they talking to I was speechless. She was prettier than the last time I saw her, her hair grew a few more inches, and her tall figure and slim body were a little more noticeable than last year, she was so damn hot. Her black crop top and high waisted denim shorts made her look like a goddess in front of my eyes, with a slight touch of makeup in her face and her hair down she looked better than ever.

"Careful mate, you're drooling," Michael said pulling me out of my trance. Everyone laughed at his comment including Valentina, I felt my cheeks burning and I couldn't help to blush a little. Fucking Michael, remind me to kill him later.

"So fucking funny, idiot," I said.

"Are you going to keep blushing or are you going to say hi?"  Valentina said with a smirk in her face.

"Hey" I smiled. "How are you"

"I'm alright," She said. " I finally got to meet your bandmates, they are so nice"

"Wait, have you two met before," Ashton asked.

"Yeah, um, we met each other last year at the Nice Guy," She said. I smiled at the thought of that amazing night, none of the guys knew we fucked, I mean, Calum knew I talked to her but he was very drunk to realize that we have left the bar.

"Oh my god! yes! you two left that night together" Calum said. So I was wrong, he remembered.

"I'm sorry, I'm Calum, so nice to meet you," he said realizing the fact that he hadn't greeted her, she smiled and said hi to him as well. Michael and Ashton were giving me dirty looks, probably connecting the dots of why we had left the bar that night. I ignored them and rolled my eyes at their stupidity, it's not that big of a deal.

"I love your music. You could say I'm a big fan" Crystal said with a big smile on her face.

"Dude she's fucking crazy, she probably knows all the lyrics of all your songs. " Michael said smiling at his girlfriend

"Aw, thank you, love, it means so much to me".

God, Valentina is so nice to everyone.

"You should stop by my room after the show, we could have a sleepover," She said, making Crystal smile. She looked at Michael and let out a happy giggle.

"Omg, that'd be so cool! Definitely going to," said Crystal.

"Hey! What about us?" Asked Ashton

"Sorry, it's an only girl sleepover." Said Valentina.

After a few minutes of talking with her and the others, it was time to leave for Zozo Marine Stadium, the boys and Crystal said their goodbyes to Valentina and I decided to stay with her while they were waiting for the transport.

"You are so nice, you know," I said looking at her. She let out a big smile at what I said and put a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Thank you, I loved her though. I like her hair." She said.

"Hey, so, did you knew we were staying at the same hotel"

"Um, well, yeah" She giggled. "I saw you guys arriving the other night, your fans were pretty loud."

"What? So you knew all along and didn't tell me? That's evil you know?" I said and she let a loud laugh.

"I know, I wanted to annoy you a little, didn't think you wanted to talk to me"

I smiled and stayed in silence just looking at her. She is so beautiful.

"I have to go, so do you," She said looking away. "See you later" she winked and approached me to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, love, see you tonight," I said leaving her confused as to why I said what I said.



Hii guys, I feel so ridiculous writing this just for me, haha, but I really like where this story is going so I'm going to keep trying for someone to actually like this as well.

Please let me know if you read this leaving your vote or comment please, It means so much to me.

Oh! Also, if you have an idea for this story or if you want something to happen or just want to help with any ideas you can leave them in the comments or just send me a message.

Thank you! have a great night.


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