Chapter Two

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I watched as Rebekah walked over, stretching out her hand to Matt.

"Come now, date, we have a dance." She smiled.

She turned to Caroline and sneered and then turned to me.

"You look.....ok." She shrugged.

I just shrugged a little before watching her and Matt walk to the dance floor. Caroline scowled and I heard her sneer.

"Who does she think she is?"

Before I could say anything, Klaus was walking over, and dread washed over me. He had threatened mine and Jeremy's lives at least weekly since moving into town. I took a small step back, putting a safe distance between us.

"Relax, little Gilbert. No harm shall come to you tonight." He turned to Caroline with a smile and I noticed a small spark in his eyes. "Care for a dance, love?" He offered his arm. Caroline huffed, turning to me, I gave a nod and she took the arm. I watched as Klaus escorted her to the dance floor. I blew out the breath between my teeth, squeezing my hips to centre myself.

"May I?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned to Stefan with a smile.

"Are you sure?" I teased.

He grabbed my hand, linking my arm through his. We walked to the dance floor, taking our place. I gave him a nervous sideways look. He smiled.

"You look nice."

I felt my heart sink, before my sadness could take root the music started, we stepped in time. We turned to face the other couples, bowing before I felt Stefan twirl me around and into his arms. I just kept quiet, my eyes looking around and trying to ignore the fire burning through my system.

"Are you ok Jordy?" he asked softly.

"Hm?" I asked.

"Are you ok?" he asked again.

We twirled and I was spun into the arms of someone else. I felt my heart jump through my skin as blue eyes lit with amusement.

"I believe this is a ball, not a dance." Klaus commented.

His eyes looked down at my dress that fell halfway from knee to ankle. I bit my lip, trying to stop the tears from forming. I heard him chuckle which caused me to turn and look at him.

As I was about to question him, I was spun into the arms of another Mikaelson. The handsome one. I felt my breath hitch and his smirk spread across his face.

"I think you look rather beautiful..." my heart skipped a few beats, at hearing his words. I blinked at him, he pulled me a little closer to his body, whispering in my ear. "We didn't get to meet earlier, I'm Kol." He pulled away, his eyes lingering on my neck. I could feel my tongue swelling in my mouth. Before introducing myself, I was spun into the arms of Elijah. I could feel my pulse steady as his strong hand clasped mine.

"Good evening Jordan. Never mind Niklaus, you look lovely."

"Thank you, Elijah." I smiled, feeling myself falling into the depths of his lovely warm brown eyes.

"My mother wishes to speak with your sister." His tone was gentle, but I could hear the question through it.

"I don't know what it is about." I quickly defended myself.

"I know. I believe you." He smiled reassuringly at me. we were to change partners, but he kept me, spinning me around and back to his chest. "Would you tell me if she told you?" he asked.

I looked around a little nervously, noticing Elena, Damon and Stefan were already missing off the dance floor.

"I-I-I I don't know." I answered honestly.

The Gilbert Twins (Kol Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now