Chapter Nine

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The weekend was over far too quickly, I groaned as Jeremy and I were walking down the halls to our classes. My hand still throbbed and sadly, Kol had broken my writing hand which left me with little options.

"We meeting for lunch?" Jeremy asked.

"I guess so...." I trailed off when spotting Peter Vanpike. His dirty blonde hair fell into his eyes, it was like a halo around his head. His green eyes were lit with laughter as he a few other jocks from my year walked down the hallway. I felt my eyes widened before a hand waved over my face.

"Earth to Jordan."

"Yes?" I asked turning to Jeremy's amused face.

"Honestly, you could do SO much better than him. He is an ass."

"He has a hot ass." I replied.

Jeremy rose a brow and then sighed.

"See you later, nerd."

"Later, loser."

I walked into class; I narrowed my eyes spotting a blonde sitting in the chair next to mine. I rushed over and slid into my chair and scowled at her.

"I thought you were in Elena's class." I angrily whispered.

Rebekah shrugged, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulders.

"I grew bored, thought I would change it up."

"By dropping down a grade?" I asked her a little shocked.

"Maybe I was changing Gilbert's up." She smiled at me. I blinked at her.

Before I could ask any more questions, the rest of the class was filling in. Rebekah smiled when a girl walked over that I usually sat next to.

"That's my seat." She mumbled.

"I don't see your name on it." Rebekah replied.

She girl walked off, trying to find a seat to settle in. The teacher walked in, not bothering with taking attendance. I frowned; he usually takes attendances. I looked over at Rebekah who winked at me. Of course, she already compelled him.

I grumbled, slamming my tray next to Jeremy who flinched before raising a brow at me.

"Rebekah has decided to join my class."

"What?" he laughed before seeing I was serious. He leaned closer. "What does she want?"

"How am I meant to know?" I snapped.

Jeremy shook his head and I sighed apologising to him.

"Should I know what's going on?" I asked him.

He gave me a look I knew all too well. He was asking if I really wanted to know. I shook my head quickly before Caroline sat opposite us.

"I didn't see Rebekah today...maybe she got eaten by a dog or something."

"Nope.....she is in with me." I smiled.

Caroline blinked at me before leaning across the table.

"What does she want?" she asked.

I shrugged, stabbing at my food. Elena came and sat with us and Stefan and Bonnie too. I repeated the same thing I told Jeremy to everyone. They all shared a look and I wiped my hands. Jeremy grabbed my upper arm.

"Wait, I will come with you."

I yanked my arm away.

"I don't need a babysitter Jer. Clearly I know when I am not wanted."

I snapped before shooting everyone a look. I hurried out but found someone walking beside me.

"They leaving you out again?" Rebekah asked.

"I don't want to be involved." I shrugged.

"Good......I'm having a few girls come over tonight to study. You are more then welcome." She offered.

I paused and looked at her. She rolled her eyes.

"We are just studying is all. Klaus and Kol are out of town. Elijah promises to make himself scarce."

I don't know what came over me, but I agreed. 

I arrived at the Mikaelson mansion, I hadn't told Elena or Jeremy since they were busy scheming something. As I walked up the stairs, the door opened, and Elijah greeted me. I smiled instantly.

"I'm glad it's you and not Klaus or Kol."

He chuckled.

"May I?" he offered his arm and escorted me inside and up the stairs. I looked around, this place one could easily get lost in and take a while trying to get out. There was music and I could hear a few voices coming inside the room we appeared in front of. Elijah knocked and Rebekah answered scowling.

"I asked you to make yourself scarce."

"I was escorting Miss Jordan." Elijah smiled before he vanished from sight. I hated when any vampire did that. There should be a law against them moving like that. Rebekah grinned, pushing the door opened to a room I assumed was where we would be studying. I noticed that it was as big at the ball room we had danced in over two weeks ago. There were these massive couches that one could easily mistake for a bed. there were beautiful mahogany tables and chairs were one could sit and study or eat with the family. I opened my mouth before I looked at Rebekah's smiling face.

"Make yourself at home."

We had been studying for two hours and I needed the bathroom. Rebekah gave me some instructions that I muttered as I was walking down the hall. I counted the doors and opened the on I believed was to be correct. I was surly wrong. This was a bedroom and would be the size of mine and Jeremy's combined. There was a massive bed pressed against the opposite wall and my eyes widened. I have never seen a bed as big as this one. Super King was an understatement to this bed. there were dark sheets and a dark duvet. There had to be at least 20 pillows on that bed.

I walked in feeling my eyes drawn to the massive bookshelves. Books lined the shelves. I walked over, letting my fingers dance along the covers and finding myself smile. The lights were low, so I couldn't make out everything in the room. I saw that there was a desk and chair that sat pressed against the window. I noticed there were papers littering the top. I bit my lip and peered behind me, no one was here but something screamed at me to not look. It was invading someone's personal space. I sighed and stepped away from the desk and turned to see there were two doors on either side of the bed. Opening one up, there was a massive bathroom. I could feel my eyeballs falling out of my head, there was a shower that would be big enough to fit at least 5 to 7 people in easily. There was a massive shower head that hung down from the roof. I looked around to see there was two toilets and two hand basins that stretched a long a massive counter. What have my mouth dropping open was the spa that sat in the ground that had a view to the backyard. I peeked out to see a massive pool with lots of green grass.

I used the toilet quickly and washed my hands before I dried them on one of the towels that hung. It was so soft, I lifted it up and rubbed my cheek against it. I wondered if I could swipe whoever's towel this was. Would they miss one towel? I mean look at this place, clearly, they could afford to miss one towel. I let go of the towel sadly before walking back into the bathroom.

"I was curious to know if you were going to be coming out any time soon."

Gasping, I saw Kol sitting on the edge of the bed waiting. His fingers were loosely strung together as he was leaning over his knees.

"Kol." I managed to squeak out.

"Hello, darling."

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