Chapter Twenty-Four

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I had spent a couple of hours after school with Bonnie, learning about magic and my brain hurt. Jeremy had come over, refusing to let me be away from him. I saw them cuddling on the couch and smiled. They looked so cute together, I sighed. Why couldn't I have someone in my life, look at me the way Jeremy looks at Bonnie? A small voice in my head shouted out Kol's name. I scrunched my face, shaking the thought away. It came back again and had me yanking at my hair. Sighing, I shut the grimoire and snuck out the back door. I needed a little space. Jeremy had been smothering me, if not him then Elena or Bonnie. I had been avoiding Damon, not that he had made it easy. He would rock up at school and smile and wave at me. I wasn't going to apologize until he did. I walked a few houses before a shadow was beside me.

"Should you be walking around alone, darling?" Kol asked.

I had also been avoiding Kol since his little confession. Part of me wanted to believe that he did fancy me. he was attractive, smart and honest. I glanced over at him and gasped spying the blood on his light grey shirt. Instinctively I took a step to the side, to gain some distance. Kol sighed.

"It's not from feeding. I had a disagreement with someone."

I wasn't sure if I believed him, I mean he had not lied to me so far, why would he start now?

"Disagreement?" I asked.

"Disagreement." He affirmed.

"With someone?" I clarified.

"With someone." He nodded.

"I see."

We kept walking, I could feel the air chilling and I knew Jeremy would be so mad at me right now. Sucks that I didn't think to bring my phone. I just needed everyone to stop looking at me.

"Come now, I will provide you with dinner." Kol suddenly spoke.

I whirled around, tripping myself up, his hands catching me and saving me from a world of pain.

"Thanks." I muttered. "Dinner?"

"You owe me a date, love."

"Date?!" I exclaimed.

"When you came over to study with Rebekah and you had broken into my room?"

"I didn't break into your room." I defended myself quickly.

"I was seeing if you remembered the night." Kol grinned.

I scowled; I hadwalked into that one. I groaned; I had agreed to a date. He offered me hishand, rolling my eyes I took it, feeling my lips tug up.

I laughed as Kol failed to catch a grape in his mouth

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I laughed as Kol failed to catch a grape in his mouth. He had been attempting it for a good ten minuets now.

"Give up." I laughed.

"Never......I just don't see......Bloody hell!" he groaned, missing. I picked one up and threw it up, catching it in my mouth. I smirked at his scowling face. Picking up the salad, I dug my fork into the container, laughing as he missed again.

"Seriously!" he complained.

"You don't gots the skills."

"English please, darling."

I just grinned. We were in his room, sitting on the floor. We had stopped by the Grill and gotten takeout. I was lucky Matt was no working otherwise it would have been awkward. Elijah was downstairs, Rebekah and Klaus were out looking for their older brother, Finn.

"How about a movie?" Kol asked. I shrugged.

"As long as it's not horror!" I pointed a finger at him in warning.

"Darling, I live with horror......I don't need more of my time with horror." He rolled his eyes.

I snatched the remote, flicking through the movies before picking 'Now you see me'.

"Is this good?" Kol asked.

"I like it." I settled with my back to the couch. Kol cleaned up the mess before sitting down beside me. I could feel how close he was and gulped.

"Would you like me to move?" he asked.

I shook my head. I could manage. A part of me wanted him to move closer. the other part was yelling at me in Jeremy's voice. I drowned him out before I turned my eyes to the screen.

I woke up, rubbing my eyes before I could feel a warmth flowing through me and a big hand rubbed circles into my back. My eyes flew open, I pulled back to look into Kol's face. He looked relaxed and at peace. He smiled and it was one I had not seen. It wasn't the cocky grin or smug little brother smile. It wasn't the charming one or even the being pleasant one.

"How did you sleep?" he murmured quietly.

"Good. Did I sleep talk?"

"Do you sleep talk?" he asked with surprise. I nodded and bit my bottom lip. I really hoped I didn't or at least didn't say anything embarrassing.

"Did I?" I asked, chancing a peak at him.

"No but I do wish you had. My imagination is running wild with this." He smirked and I slapped his arm.

"I mainly talk about what worries me.....maybe because I bottle it up so much." I mumbled in thought.

"Well what worries do you have?" he asked. I shrugged. There were that many, even an immortal didn't have time to hear them all. I looked at him as he waited patiently for me to answer. I sighed.

"Klaus. This siphoning thing. Jeremy. Elena. School. Alaric...." I stopped and sighed again.

"You don't need to worry about Klaus, darling. I will see to that. The siphoning thing is new and understandable. Jeremy is your twin, so I will let that slide. The doppelganger, Bekah did tell me she had a habit of being the centre of attention..." he tapped his lip in thought and I narrowed my eyes.

"She's my sister." I warned.

"Adopted sister." Kol corrected quickly. Anger flashed through me.

"Kol." I spoke with dead calm, the way I did when I found out what Jeremy did to Daniel.

Kol sighed before giving me a serious look.

"I apologize if I have crossed a line."

I blinked; I was not expecting an apology. I went to say something to him when his hands cupped my face and I felt his lips crash onto mine.

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