Chapter Forty-Three

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I groaned, hearing a beeping sound.

"Jordan?" I heard Jeremy's worried voice. I cracked my eyes before hissing at the bright light. I blinked, letting my eyes adjust.

"What happened?" I asked. my body felt heavily bruised and sore.

"You were in a car accident."

I furrowed my brow, trying to piece together what had happened. I suddenly remembered before pushing myself into a sitting position.

"Elena? Where is Elena?" I asked, ripping the cord off me. I hissed when the needles pulled free. Jeremy's hands pushing on my shoulders, trying to keep me from moving.

"WHERE IS ELENA?" I yelled.

"Jordan......please. Deep breath." He said. I looked into our matching dark brown eyes, breathing in and out before I calmed down.

"Jer." I squeaked.

"Elena is fine, she is with Damon."

I relaxed a little before the door opened, Stefan walking in. Our eyes met, and I gave him a confused look before looking at Jeremy. Jeremy had stilled, a stake in hand, ready.


"He is a vampire Jordan." He spoke. His eyes never leaving Stefan. I sighed; we were back to not trusting vamps again. I reached out, siphoning off the darkness and watching Jeremy relax. This time I kept holding on and watched as his eyes closed and he dropped onto the bed. I wiggled over, pulling his legs up and making sure he was comfortable.

"What have I missed?" I asked annoyed. Clearly, I was more out of the loop.

"Jeremy has been working with the hunter." Stefan said.

I looked at Jeremy and frowned. He lied to me. he hadn't been staying at Bonnies. He was in for it when he woke up, I had been honest with him, even about Kol.

"Elena?" I sighed.

"Klaus has her, apparently killing a hunter you are prone to hallucinations."

"Yes, kind of figured that." I muttered, crossing my arms.

Stefan walked over, he gently touched my arm, I looked up at him. his eyes look worried.

"Can we go for a walk?" I asked before he could start digging into my emotions.

We walked outside in the fresh air, Stefan brought me my clothes from home, I had changed, wishing to be comfortable. He compelled the nurses into letting us walk around. I could feel the cool air nipping my face and smiled.

"I love feeling the cool air at night." I murmured.

"Its refreshing." Stefan agreed.

We walked a little bit before I turned to face him, sighing.


"Are you ok?" he asked.

"My twin is back to lying to me. my sister almost killed me....twice in the matter of an hour. I almost died where my parents were killed, and Elena was turned. All and all, I say I am close to losing my mind." I gave a humourless laugh before folding my arms. Right now, all I could think about was wishing Kol was here. He always made me feel better. Stefan had closed the distance before giving me a hug. I rested my face against his chest, closing my eyes and pretending for a few seconds everything was ok. We pulled away and I smiled.


"You are stronger than any of us, it's ok to break down."

"Seems like I'm always crying on you though." I laughed a little, wiping a tear away on my sleeve.

"I care about you Jordan. I will always be here for you." Stefan promised, smiling at me. I grinned, feeling a small weight lift off my chest. 

I was discharged and decided to go back home. Elena was still with Klaus, he promised not to let any harm come to her. it wasn't until Damon let slip that there was a cure for vampirism. Alaric waited for me, welcoming me home with a big hug and one of his grilled cheese toasties. We sat on the couch, eating and binge watching the ice ages when the door opened, and Jeremy walked in. I just looked at him before turning my attention back to the screen. He sat down on the edge of the couch closer to me, I heard Alaric excuse himself and rolled my eyes.


"Don't, I swear Jeremy, I am beyond Klaus pissed at you." I said, referring to the scale we had made. Klaus was the one we all hated the most. Figures he would be the top of the angry end of the scale.

"There is a cure." Jeremy said.

"I know." I shrugged, still not looking away from the screen. I laughed when Sid did something that always made me laugh. The screen turned off and I turned my glare on Jeremy. "What?" I hissed.

"I have a mark on my body, it's like a map to the cure. We can cure Elena." He said finally. I blinked at him.

"Elena?" I said.

"Yes. We can save her."

I felt my lips tug slightly. Jeremy was trying to save Elena, not lie to me on purpose.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I said.

"I wanted to make sure first."

"Jeremy, we talked about this." I said feeling a little frustrated, we kept on going in this same dangerous circle.

"I didn't want you to get your hopes up. You have been happy Jordan. The first I have seen since mom and dad were alive."

I felt this slight twinge of guilt. I was happy when I was with Kol, the words were there. I didn't know what to say, it seemed like Jeremy and I were causing each other pain. Jeremy lying to me, broke my heart and me being happy when I'm with Kol, hurt him. I felt Jeremy take my hand, squeezing it.

"Does he make you happy?" Jeremy asked. I nodded.

"I think I love him, Jeremy." I said. My heart felt like it did a flip when I finally admitted it out loud.

"I know." I turned to see Jeremy smiling at me.

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