Something that i haven't felt before - Part six

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I wake up, and stare at the ceiling. I wriggle around my brain, trying to sort out the events of last night. I keep skipping back over the point where she picked up my hand and i'm sure that i noticed a blush creep up onto her cheeks. I don't want to become too hopeful though, so i'm trying to convince myself it was a trick of the light. I still don't know how i feel towards the Doctor. She's absolutely amazing and i just want to spend more time with her. My thinking is quickly interrupted by Yaz, who pokes her head around my door.
"Come on get up! The Doctor won't stop talking about you and how much you're going to love this new planet. I do love you but there's only so many times i can hear someone ask if human hair has ever been as shiny as yours. Get up!" Yaz laughs and ducks out behind the door, I can hear her telling The Doctor to be quiet. I smile into my bed sheets, the familiar red glow coming back to rest on my cheeks. I'm suddenly filled with a desire to get out of bed, which is something that i haven't felt before.
Everything about living on the TARIDS and being with the Doctor is amazing, even if it's something as simple as wanting to get up in the morning. I quickly get dressed into some jeans and a jumper and brush out my tangled hair.

Walking out into the control room i watch the Doctor tell Yaz to be quiet, but there's a jokey tone in her voice so i can tell nothing that bad has happened. I turn my attention to Graham and Ryan, who are both watching the pair jokingly argue. They're both laughing and whispering, i almost feel like i'm intruding in on something.
"Shush Yaz!" The Doctor mutters before turning to look at me, "Hello! Good morning! Welcome! How are you?" The Doctor beams at me, almost a bit too much.
"What's going on?" I question, looking around the room smiling.
"A new planet! It's going to be so much fun!" The Doctor laughs, but i don't believe her.
"Okay..." I murmur, looking around the room with a small smile on my face, shooting a quizzical look at the trio of humans. "Well off we go then!" Yaz laughs, ignoring my question. Not that i'm particularly cross or concerned, they'd tell me if it was something important, and everything seems jokey.

We arrive at the planet, the tardis churning it's signature sound. We all step out and onto the floor of a small and dark room. "Well this is odd." The Doctor says quietly. "We should be somewhere completely different.."

Suddenly i feel a sharp pain the the back of my neck, and voices shouting all around me. My vision is going blurry and my hearing is fading out. I stumble around for security or safety. I can see the ground edging closer and closer and then i'm alone. All alone.

I sit up slowly, becoming aware of the numbness of my neck and the aching of my spine. The supposed room is pitch black, it's difficult to see my own hands infront of my face. My head is banging against the skull in which it sits, and i feel like i'm floating. I feel someone touch my arm. It's a soft and familiar touch, yet i have no idea who this mystery person is. "Are you okay?" It's the Doctor, her breaths shallow and airy, almost scared. Yet her voice still comforting me.
"Where are we?" I whisper back, tears pricking out of my eyes.

"You're okay, I promise." The Doctor mutters a few words before i can hear her shuffle along the floor. And then her hand in mine, as we sit next to each other. Possibly as close as we have ever been. I should be flourishing in the contact, but this situation feels like no time for flirting.
"We were hit with some form of alien technology, then were taken to wherever this is. I don't know where the rest of the group are. But we're both safe." The Doctor squeezes my hand as i wonder how safe we can really be.
"Are we really, though?" I respond in a whisper. "As long as you stay here with me, then yes. We are safe." The Doctor squeezes my hand once more, and then picks it up to kiss my bare knuckles. Although the situation we're in is far from perfect, this time i do feel something. I feel warm and safe. I can't help but let a tear out as i lean my head into the nape of the Doctor's neck. She wipes the tears away with her delicate thumb, and begins to hush my nerves away.


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